Your search for 'Rates' returned 2121 results.

Tawhiti Catchment Monitoring Annual Report 2020 2021

station is maintained on the stream for the continuous measurement of flow rate and temperature. Silver Fern Farms Ltd (meat processing plant) demonstrated an overall good level of environmental performance. Silver Fern Farms Ltd holds six resource consents, to allow it to maintain a dam in and to take water from the Tawhiti Stream; to discharge to the stream and to land; and to discharge emissions into the air. During the period under review, there was one incident reported in

Jason Savelio Karena Pene's evidence

previously exhaust has also been via end wall fans, which are no longer used for exhaust). The ventilation configuration is to be changed to a system manufactured by DACS with exhaust via chimney roof vents to aid dispersion of emissions. 19 Odour will be emitted from the free-range operation at a lower rate than from conventional broiler (i.e. non free range) operations of an equivalent scale for the following reasons: 1

SOE2022 Coast

to significant sand inundation events in the past. Waihi Reef, another site impacted by sand inundation, had a very likely decreasing trend that did not change following a correction for sand inundation, suggesting that this decline is being driven by other factors. A very likely increasing trend was found for the Manihi Reef site, and no trend was found for Tūrangi Reef. The trend with the greatest rate of change was the sand-adjusted trend at Orapa Reef, which

Meet Your Candidates 2022 Local Elections

privilege to be your Regional Councillor for the last six years and also Chair of the Policy and Planning Committee. If re-elected, I'll continue to advocate for our rivers being clean for swimming and our natural habitat thriving; ensuring we protect and grow our region. I'll also focus on public transport, prudent rates and resource management. I bring a range of experience. Co-Chair of the Taranaki Regional Skills Leadership Group. A director of Port Taranaki and WITT. A trustee of the Taranaki

Supporting documentatation for LTP

property worth $500,000 will pay approximately $25 to $29 more in total rates. The total rate take (general and targeted rates) is planned to increase by 9.9% or $1.38m. Specifically for 2021/2022, the general rate will increase by $2.98m. The uniform annual general charge will be $45. Rates for Yarrow Stadium reduce by 45% ($1.76m). River control and flood protection targeted rates will increase by $1,800 and targeted rates for passenger transport services will increase by $158,319.

Compliance, monitoring and enforcement metrics 2020-2021

Otago Regional Council Percentages of consents in full compliance, low risk/ technical non compliance, moderate non compliance and significant non compliance on a per monitoring event basis FULL COMPLIANCE LOW RISK/TECHNICAL NON-COMPLIANCE MODERATE NON-COMPLIANCE SIGNIFICANT NON-COMPLIANCE * The non-compliance rating system used at WRC considers multiple factors, and not solely whether the non-compliance results in actual significant environmental effect. As such the

Executive, Audit & Risk agenda December 2021

11,132,436 912,712 49,667,978 Revenue from exchange transactions Direct charges revenue 258,619 301,190 -42,571 759,922 916,070 -156,148 4,729,359 Rent revenue 91,503 93,749 -2,246 303,343 281,247 22,096 1,125,000 Dividends 0 4,000,000 -4,000,000 0 4,000,000 -4,000,000 8,000,000 Revenue from non-exchange transactions General rates revenue 0 0 0 2,734,322 2,734,322 0 10,937,289 Targeted rates revenue 0 0 0 1,091,662 1,091,662 0

Submitters Statement of Evidence Donovan Van Kekem compressed

smell. During these early weeks and when there are stronger winds the odour intensity is not more than a 3 (distinct). But in the latter weeks of the cycle and when there is slow air movement odour intensity can be up to a 4/5 (strong/very strong). 2-3 times a year he would rate the odour at a 6 (extremely strong) and this is generally observed as he is walking between the office and the house. 4.27 Kevin also stated that the odour is more often observable at the house rather than at his

Trustpower Mangorei HEP Annual Report 2020 2021

the Meeting of Waters. The results suggest an impact from the increased rate of take allowed by the variation of consent 2053 since 2016. The Company has struggled to provide regular and timely updates on progress made towards monitoring sedimentation within the lake in this monitoring period. Due to the late submission of a lake sedimentation report during the writing of this report, a compliance assessment on the work undertaken by the Company to date has not yet been made in this

Deborah Anne Ryan's evidence

This is principally because, based on the descriptions of the heating and ventilation systems, in my opinion, odour emission rates will be lower and have the potential to be considerably lower than the standard emission rate factors used for modelling odour from the chicken sheds. 38 In my view, the odour dispersion modelling results can also be calibrated using the knowledge of complaints, compliance, and onsite odour observations, which indicate a generally low level of