The Council's free, property-specific riparian management plans provide guidance and advice on fencing and planting your waterways.
'Definite improvement' from riparian programme - Seven Sharp
Watch a report by TVNZ's Seven Sharp on Taranaki's riparian management programme and how well it is working.
'Definite improvement' in Taranaki - Seven Sharp(external link)

Individual Riparian management plans have been prepared for hundreds of properties on the ring plain and coastal terraces.
Plans include aerial mapping with existing and proposed fencing and planting marked, a summary of suitable plant types and cost calculations.
The Council's Land Management Officers can give one-on-one advice about implementation of your plan.
The Council can also co-ordinate contractors, if these are required.
Get your plan
Interested in a riparian management plan for your farm, run-off or lifestyle block?
Talk to one of our Land Management Officers today. Call 0800 736 222 or email
Got a plan? This is what you need to ensure
As at 2020, most farmers are well on the way to completely protecting the waterways on their properties. Those lagging are highly likely to face regulatory measures and costs.
- Implement your plan in manageable stages, season by season. Ensure it's part of your annual work plan and budget.
- If you've got a 'regionally significant wetland' on your ring plain or coastal terrace property, it must be fenced as part of your riparian plan. They are wetlands that contain at least 50% native plant species or are habitats for nationally or regionally valuable species.
- Farmers have always been encouraged to have their plan fully implemented by 2020. You'll be issued a Certificate of Completion when it's completed. If you haven't got a certificate by 2020, it's highly likely you'll need a resource consent, which will require riparian fencing and planting, to continue intensive farming. You'll need to meet the cost of the consent and the additional monitoring.
- Order your plants well in advance – at least a year, and preferably two. The Council supplies hundreds of thousands of plants every season, so early ordering is crucial to help keep the tendering process efficient and cost-effective and to ensure a secure supply.
Let your Land Management Officer know if you have any queries or issues.
Riparian management
These info sheets cover the what, why and how of streamside fencing and planting.
Riparian Plans (9.7 MB pdf) See all the information sheets