Coastal & marine

This page includes kaimoana survey guidelines with template spreadsheets and forms.

Coastal structures maintenance - guidance regarding kororā/little blue penguins

This leaflet offers guidance on what you should do avoid disturbing or harming little blue penguins, or kororā, when maintaining or altering a structure on the Taranaki coastline. Kororā are particularly vulnerable to disturbance.

Coastal structure maintenance guidance for blue penguin (March 2025) (3.7 MB pdf) (single document only)

Kaimoana survey guidelines for hapu & iwi

These guidelines provide hapu and iwi with information and a suggested process for undertaking a survey of kaimoana (seafood) resources. The guidelines were prepared by Otaraua Hapu in partnership with Shell Petroleum Mining Ltd and were published by the Ministry for the Environment. Also included here is further information about a North Taranaki kaimoana survey in 2000-2001, and downloadable template forms for those carrying out similar surveys.

Kaimoana survey guidelines for hapu & iwi (2.1 MB pdf) More