Landfills, cleanfills & green waste

These reports cover monitoring programmes at sites that are currently operational and at sites that are now closed.

Bell Block Land Holdings Ltd

There is one resource consent relating to this site on Manutahi Rd, Bell Block, which is closed and being reinstated under a riparian planting plan in conjunction with the Council.

Annual report 2013-2014 (837 KB pdf) Earlier reports

Candyman Trust

The Candyman Trust operates a cleanfill to reclaim part of a man-made pond that resulted from previous quarrying activity on Manutahi Rd, south of Bell Block.

Candyman Trust Annual Report 2022-2023 (653 KB PDF) (single document only)

TPJ Partnership Cleanfill

TPJ Partnership operates a cleanfill located on Rainie Road at Hawera, in the Inaha catchment. The Partnership holds two resource consents, which allow it to discharge cleanfill and inert materials onto and into land, and to install piping in unnamed tributaries of the Inaha Stream.

TPJ Partnership Cleanfill Annual Report 2023-2024 (1.1 MB PDF) Earlier reports

RH Vosseler landfill

RH Vosseler holds one consent to discharge leachate from a private landfill at Sole Rd, Ngaere.

Annual report 2012-2013 (453 KB pdf) (single document only)