See dates and times for upcoming and previous meetings. Select individual entries for access to agendas and minutes.

Committee memberships (2022 - 2025)


Operations and Regulatory Committee

Chairperson: Susan Hughes

Deputy Chairperson: Donna Cram

Members: Bonita Bigham, Tom Cloke, Mike Davey, David Lean, Donald McIntyre

Ex officio: Craig Williamson, Neil Walker

External appointments: Dion Luke, Richard Buttimore and Ānaru White (iwi).

Policy and Planning Committee

Chairperson: Craig Williamson

Deputy Chairperson: Bonita Bigham

Members: Donna Cram, Susan Hughes, Alan Jamieson, Charlotte Littlewood, Donald McIntyre

Ex officio: Neil Walker

External appointments: Peter Moeahu, Emily Bailey, Mitchell Ritai (iwi).

 Executive, Audit and Risk Committee

Chairperson: Tom Cloke

Members: Susan Hughes, Alan Jamieson, Donald McIntyre, Charlotte Littlewood

Ex officio: Craig Williamson, Neil Walker

Regional Transport Committee

Chairperson: Alan Jamieson

Deputy Chairperson: Tom Cloke

Alternate Member: Charlotte Littlewood

Portfolio roles

Government reform and regulation: Neil Walker

Agriculture: Donna Cram


Taranaki Civil Defence Emergency Management Group

TRC appointment: Neil Walker

TRC Alternate Member: Tom Cloke

Taranaki Solid Waste Management Committee

TRC appointment: Donald McIntyre

TRC Alternate Member: Neil Walker

Yarrow Stadium Joint Committee (yet to be re-constituted)

TRC appointments: David Lean, Tom Cloke


 Board of Pukeiti and Pukeiti Trust Fund

TRC appointment to Board of Pukeiti: Donald McIntyre

TRC appointment to Pukeiti Trust Fund: Charlotte Littlewood

State Highway 3 Working Party

TRC appointments: Tom Cloke, Alan Jamieson

 Local Government NZ Regional Sector Group and Zone 3 Group

TRC representative: Charlotte Littlewood

Yarrow Stadium Trust

TRC appointments: tbc

Regional Software Holdings Ltd

TRC appointments: Steve Ruru (Chief Executive) and Mike Nield (Director-Corporate Services).