Meet our elected councillors for the 2022-2025 term, and find out which committees they serve on.
Committee & other roles | Meetings schedule |
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Craig Williamson, Chair
Neil Walker, Deputy Chair
Bonita Bigham
Tom Cloke
Donna Cram
Mike Davey
Susan Hughes
Alan Jamieson
David Lean
Charlotte Littlewood
Donald McIntyre
Councillor support documents
Committee memberships (2022 - 2025)
Operations and Regulatory Committee
Chairperson: Susan Hughes
Deputy Chairperson: Donna Cram
Members: Bonita Bigham, Tom Cloke, Mike Davey, David Lean, Donald McIntyre
Ex officio: Craig Williamson, Neil Walker
External appointments: Dion Luke, Richard Buttimore and Ānaru White (iwi).
Policy and Planning Committee
Chairperson: Craig Williamson
Deputy Chairperson: Bonita Bigham
Members: Donna Cram, Susan Hughes, Alan Jamieson, Charlotte Littlewood, Donald McIntyre
Ex officio: Neil Walker
External appointments: Peter Moeahu, Emily Bailey, Mitchell Ritai (iwi).
Executive, Audit and Risk Committee
Chairperson: Tom Cloke
Members: Susan Hughes, Alan Jamieson, Donald McIntyre, Charlotte Littlewood
Ex officio: Craig Williamson, Neil Walker
Regional Transport Committee
Chairperson: Alan Jamieson
Deputy Chairperson: Tom Cloke
Alternate Member: Charlotte Littlewood
Portfolio roles
Government reform and regulation: Neil Walker
Agriculture: Donna Cram
Taranaki Civil Defence Emergency Management Group
TRC appointment: Neil Walker
TRC Alternate Member: Tom Cloke
Taranaki Solid Waste Management Committee
TRC appointment: Donald McIntyre
TRC Alternate Member: Neil Walker
Yarrow Stadium Joint Committee (yet to be re-constituted)
TRC appointments: David Lean, Tom Cloke
Board of Pukeiti and Pukeiti Trust Fund
TRC appointment to Board of Pukeiti: Donald McIntyre
TRC appointment to Pukeiti Trust Fund: Charlotte Littlewood
State Highway 3 Working Party
TRC appointments: Tom Cloke, Alan Jamieson
Local Government NZ Regional Sector Group and Zone 3 Group
TRC representative: Charlotte Littlewood
Yarrow Stadium Trust
TRC appointments: tbc
Regional Software Holdings Ltd
TRC appointments: Steve Ruru (Chief Executive) and Mike Nield (Director-Corporate Services).
Policy on Elected Members' Allowances and Recovery of Expenses
This policy sets out rules on the claiming of expenses by elected members and the resources that will be available to them during their term of office.
(single document only)