You do not need a resource consent to remove vegetation from a riverbed to to clear small areas of vegetation from land, as long as Council requirements are met.
Removing vegetation from a riverbed
What you need to ensure
- Generally, you won't need a resource consent to remove vegetation from a riverbed as long as it is for flood control or riparian establishment, there are only minor environmental effects and the bed of the river is disturbed as little as possible.
- Nor will you need a resource consent if you are trimming vegetation growing in a riverbed from around a bridge, powerline, pipeline or other cable, as long as all trimmed vegetation is removed from the riverbed, sediment disturbance and other environmental effects are minimised and no refuelling of equipment is done in the riverbed.
If you are clearing vegetation from a riverbed for any other purpose or cannot meet the requirements noted above, or if you are planting vegetation in a streambed, you need to apply for a resource consent.
Clearing vegetation from land
(except forestry logging)
What you need to ensure
If you are clearing, cutting or burning small areas of vegetation (less than five hectares) and no part of the land has a slope of greater than 28 degrees, then you do not require a resource consent from the Council provided you comply with the following requirements to protect the soil resource from erosion and reduce effects on waterways:
- No more than 10% of the subsoil is exposed at any one time.
- The area is revegetated as soon as possible.
- Vegetation is felled away from streams.
- Any debris is controlled to prevent blockages of streams, flooding, erosion and any significant effects on fish or other aquatic life; and there are no significant effects on waterquality or stock water supplies.
- No trees should be dragged through any streambed.
- You must also let the Council know of your plans at least 15 working days before starting work.
You must meet all of these requirements. Otherwise, you will need a resource consent.
Your consent will be granted as long as a suitable site plan covering management of erosion and sediment control is prepared and forwarded to the Taranaki Regional Council.
You should check whether clearing or disturbing indigenous vegetation is also controlled by your local district council to protect the ecological or amenity values of the bush.
If you are logging indigenous forest for milling, you may need to obtain a permit from the Ministry for Primary Industries.
You may also need to consider restricted fire seasons or fire bans in place, or whether a permit is needed. See the Fire and Emergency New Zealand website link)(external link) or call 0800 658 628 for information on fire seasons, bans, and to obtain a permit if required.