Taranaki schools

Our young people are among the biggest champions of the predator free vision.

Schools and students are leading residents’ efforts to restore native wildlife and plants, for the next generation.

Taranaki schools are ambassadors of Towards Predator-Free Taranaki, many distributing traps to households to raise funds for environmental school projects.

Students are helping expand urban trapping by checking traps in public parks and reserves. They are making trap boxes and helping monitor biodiversity and predators.

How can schools get involved?

Towards Predator-Free Taranaki provides an opportunity for your school to make a real difference safeguarding our precious native species in your community.

Here are some of the activities we can provide:

 For details email education@trc.govt.nz.


Follow Towards Predator-Free Taranaki on Facebook - facebook.com/TowardsPredatorFreeTaranaki(external link)

What is Trap.NZ?

If you’re trapping at home, register with the online database Trap.NZ, via its website or app. Then record all your catches and also your trap checks (even when nothing has been caught). This makes Trap.NZ a source of valuable data tracking the region’s efforts and identifying gaps.

Visit Trap.NZ website(external link)

  1. The People
  2. The Economy
  3. Environmental issues
  4. Resource Management issues & iwi