Land and Freshwater Plan review

The Land and Freshwater Plan will bring together the Council’s two main planning documents for managing activities relating to freshwater: the Regional Freshwater Plan and the Soil Plan.

The Council has completed the following stages in the review process:

  • August 2015 - The Council prepared and consulted on a draft Freshwater Plan for Taranaki. Following public consultation, the draft Plan was not notified as a Proposed Plan, as the Council awaited changes to national legislation for freshwater.
  • 2016 onwards - The Council continues to seek technical advice from national experts across a range of areas (such as minimum flows) to inform future plan development and build regional context and understanding.
  • March 2021 – The Council commenced pre-draft community engagement on freshwater visions for Taranaki.


The consultation process

The Council has been working with stakeholders, tangata whenua and the community to develop a vision for freshwater and how we want to manage our natural resources going forward. The consultation process will occur in four stages.

Phase 1: Developing a long-term vision for freshwater

Through the months of March to April 2021, the Council asked the community what they would like to see for freshwater across the region to guide the development of a long-term visions for freshwater.

Long term freshwater vision PDF (3.4 MB pdf)