Taranaki Iwi

The rohe of Taranaki Iwi extends along the coastal and mountain area between Ōuri and the Rāwa o Turi stream in the south and Ōnukutaipari in the north.

Taranaki Iwi interests also extend inland to Te Whakangerengere on the northeastern flank of the mountain, up the Waipuku stream to Te Tahuna o Tūtawa (Warwicks Castle), over to Panitahi (Fanthoms Peak) and down to Mangoraukawa (Lake Dive) and the source of the Ōuri stream. It then follows the Ōuri stream water course towards the coast, with a deviation to the headwaters of the Rāwa o Turi stream to the boundary stone of Matirawhati at its mouth.

*Wording from the Deed of Settlement summary between the Crown and Taranaki Iwi.


Contact Taranaki Iwi

Authorised voice

Te Kāhui o Taranaki Trust

Website: taranaki.iwi.nz(external link)

1 Young Street, New Plymouth 4310

Postal address
PO Box 929, Taranaki Mail Centre, New Plymouth 4310

Jacqui King

Deputy Chairperson
Aroaro Tamati

Wharehoka Wano

Office Administrator
Marama Witehira
email: marama@taranaki.iwi.nz
Phone: 06 751 4285 / 0800 Te Kahui (835 2484)
Office Hours: 9.00am - 5.00pm

Pou Kōkiri/Operations Manager
Mark Wipatene
email: mark@taranaki.iwi.nz

Kaiwhakahono-ā-Iwi/Iwi Engagement Lead
Raymond Tuuta
email: raymond@taranaki.iwi.nz

Takawaenga-ā-Iwi/Iwi Engagement Liaison
Angie Walters
email: angie@taranaki.iwi.nz

Pou Pūtea/Financial Controller
Tania Stokes
email: tania@taranaki.iwi.nz

Kaitiaki Whenua
Wayne Capper
email: kaitiaki@taranaki.iwi.nz


Ngāti Tairi

Chairperson: Jacqui King
Email: oakurapa.trustees@gmail.com

Ngāti Hamua Te Matehou

Contact: Mrs M Avery
Address: 67 Marama Crescent, New Plymouth



O Rimupiko

Ngāti Tamarongo

Ngāti Kahumate

Ngāti Tara

Ngāti Tuhekerangi

Ngāti Haupoto