Landowner funding assistance

The Taranaki Regional Council administers a range of funding programmes to help landowners protect and enhance their native biodiversity and freshwater resources.

Download factsheet on funding assistance [PDF, 132 KB]

To check if your project is eligible for funding, please call the Council on 0800 736 222 and ask to speak to the relevant programme contact.

Ecosystem protection | Predator control | Wetlands | Hillcountry erosion | Riparian 

Key Native Ecosystem (KNE) programme

Biodiversity Plan for KNE Free ecological assessments of natural bush, larger wetlands and coastal sites

Voluntary scheduling of sites that meet criteria for KNEs.

Biodiversity Plans prepared for at least 20 KNE sites per year.

Funding may be available for fencing, in-fill planting, pest plant and animal control, and minor infrastructure (stiles, tracks, signage).

Contact: Environment Services Team

Towards Predator-Free Taranaki
Taranaki Taku Tūranga

  • Towards Predator-Free Taranaki - Taranaki Taku Tūranga Subsidised rodent and mustelid traps for urban residents.
  • Subsidised trap networks for rural landowners targeting mustelids, hedgehogs and feral cats (as part of the phased roll-out in rural zones).
  • Council-funded eradication of possums in the Zero Density Possum Trial area (private land surrounding Kaitake Range).

Taranaki Regional Council acknowledges the co-funding of TPFT by Predator Free 2050 Ltd.

Contact: Environment Services Team (Towards Predator-Free Taranaki)

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Environmental enhancement
- wetland habitats

  • Taranaki wetland Environmental Enhancement Grants: Protection and enhancement of Regionally Significant Wetlands (RSW); other habitats of regional significance
  • Wetland Consent Fund: Protection and enhancement of degraded wetlands.

Funding may be available for pest plant control; enhancement planting within degraded wetlands/RSW margins; buffer planting of dryland margins and drains interconnected with RSW; fencing (primarily for retirement/enhancement of degraded wetlands).

Contact: Land Management Team

South Taranaki and Regional
Erosion Support Scheme (STRESS)

  • Taranaki hillcountry farm Reduce erosion in eastern hill country and reduce sediment transportation and deposition in waterways, estuaries and the marine environment
  • All farmers with Comprehensive or Agroforestry Farm Plans may seek funding for soil conservation works on LUC Class 6 and 7 land
  • Priority to projects in Waitōtara, Pātea and Waitara catchments.

Funding may be available for forestry (exotic and indigenous), fencing for forestry and land retirement, poplar and willow poles.

Taranaki Regional Council acknowledges the co-funding of STRESS by the MPI Hill Country Erosion Fund. Council can also assist planholders with One Billion Trees grant applications which includes forestry and reversion.

Contact: Land Management Team

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Riparian assistance

  • Riparian planting in Taranaki Catchment funding: Mitigate effects of freshwater consent applications by accelerating riparian plan implementation in 14 catchments.

Funding may be available for plants (grants), planting and fencing in certain catchments to support native vegetation establishment.

Contact: Land Management Team