Monitored consent holders include Taranaki's major industries, as well as smaller operations. The latter are typically grouped by activity class or by location.
Ample Group Ltd
The Ample Group Ltd (formerly Gold International Meat Processors and Taranaki Abattoirs Ltd) abattoir and rendering plant on Mountain Rd, Stratford, has six resource consents allowing the company to take and use water, discharge effluent and stormwater into the Kahouri Stream, discharge wastewater and degenerating product to land and discharge emissions to the air.
Ample Group Ltd Annual Report 2022-2023 (871 KB PDF) Earlier reportsANZCO Foods Eltham Ltd (Riverlands Eltham)
ANZCO’s meat processing plant at Eltham has 11 resource consents allowing the company to take and use water, discharge effluent and stormwater into the Waingongoro River, discharge effluent and solids to land, emissions into the air, and for structures in watercourses.
ANZCO Eltham Ltd Annual Report 2022-2023 (2 MB PDF) Earlier reportsANZCO Foods Waitara Ltd
ANZCO’s meat manufacturing plant at Domett St, Waitara, has three resource consents allowing the company to discharge wastewater and stormwater to the Waitara River and to discharge emissions to the air.
ANZCO Waitara consent monitoring 2019-2020 (534 KB pdf) Earlier reportsBallance Agri-Nutrients (Kapuni) Ltd
The Ballance Agri-Nutrients ammonia urea plant near Kapuni has seven resource consents allowing the company to take water from the Waingongoro River, the Kapuni Stream and from groundwater, to discharge to land and to the Kapuni Stream, and to discharge emissions to the air.
Ballance Agri Nutrients Kapuni Ltd Annual Report 2022-2023 (1.7 MB PDF) Earlier reportsConcrete batching plants
These reports assess the performance of consent holders for concrete batching plants at Hāwera (Firth Industries) and Stratford (Fletcher Concrete). Previous reports also covered the Allied Concrete plant at Waitara, the resource consent for which was surrendered during the 2020-2021 year.
Concrete Batching Plants Annual Report 2022-2023 (685 KB PDF) Earlier reportsContact Energy Stratford Power Station
Contact holds resource consents for the power station on SH43 near Stratford, providing for three gas-fired plants. Prior to 2018-2019, it was reported on in conjunction with the Ahuroa Gas Storage Facility. This facility now has a new operator and is reported on in the 'Oil & gas - production' category.
Contact Energy Stratford Power Station Annual Report 2022-2023 (3 MB PDF) Earlier reportsDow Chemical (NZ)
The Dow Chemical (NZ) industrial agrichemical formulating and packaging facility on Paritutu Rd, New Plymouth, has resource consents allowing the company to discharge stormwater into the Herekawe Stream and discharge emissions to the air.
(Formerly Corteva Agriscience New Zealand Ltd and Dow AgroSciences (NZ) Ltd)
Fonterra Kapuni
Fonterra’s lactose plant on Manaia Rd, Kapuni, has 19 resource consents allowing the company to take and use water, discharge stormwater and cooling water into the Kaupokonui River and Motumate Stream, discharge wastes to land and discharge emissions to air.
Fonterra Kapuni Annual Report 2022-2023 (6 MB PDF) Earlier reportsFonterra Whareroa
Fonterra’s dairy processing complex on Whareroa Rd, Hawera, has 26 resource consents allowing the abstraction of water from the Wawhiti Stream and Tangahoe River, discharge of wastewater to those waterways, discharge of stormwater to tributaries of those waterways and an unnamed coastal stream, discharge of stormwater and sediment to land, discharge of wastewater to sea, discharge of waste to waste pits, discharge of dairy liquids to land and discharge of emissions to air.
Fonterra Whareroa Annual Report 2022-2023 (2.2 MB PDF) Earlier reportsGreenfern Industries Ltd
Greenfern Industries Ltd operates a hydroelectric power station located on Normanby Road at Okaiawa, in the Waingongoro catchment. Greenfern Industries Ltd hold three resources consents allowing the company to take and use water and to dam the Waingongoro River and to use and maintain a weir and ancillary structure in the Waingongoro River.
Greenfern Hydro Scheme Annual Report 2022-2023 (1.4 MB PDF) Earlier reportsJD Hickman
The Hickman JD Family Trust transport depot at Waitara Rd, Brixton, has a resource consent allowing the trust to discharge washwater and stormwater into a tributary of the Waiongana Stream.
Hickman J D 1997 Family Trust Annual Report 2022-2023 (701 KB PDF) Earlier reportsMcKechnie Aluminium Solutions Ltd
The McKechnie Aluminium Solutions melting and extrusion plant at Bell Block has resource consents allowing the company to discharge stormwater into a tributary of the Mangaone Stream and to discharge emissions to air.
McKechnie Aluminium Annual Report 2022-2023 (953 KB PDF) Earlier reportsMangati catchment (Bell Block industrial area)
Consent holders operating in this urban Bell Block catchment include First Gas Ltd, Barton Holdings Ltd, Greymouth Petroleum Acquisitions Co Litd, J Swap Contractors Ltd, McKechniie Aluminium Solutions Ltd, NPDC, Nexans NZ Ltd, OMV NZ Ltd, Schlumberger NZ Ltd, Tasman Oil Tools Ltd, Tegel Foods Ltd, TIL Freighting Ltd and W Abraham Ltd.
Mangapouri Cemetery
This cemetery on Junction Rd between New Plymouth and Egmont Village opened in May 2019.
NPDC Mangapouri Cemetery Annual Report 2022-2023 (1.5 MB PDF) Earlier reportsMethanex Motunui and Waitara Valley
Methanex holds resource consents relating to its sites, allowing it to take and use water from two points on the Waitara River, discharge effluent/stormwater into the Manu and Waihi Streams and a tributary of the Waitara River, and to the Tasman via the Waitara marine outfall, to discharge emissions to air, and for a structure in the Waitara River related to the water take.
Methanex Motunui and Waitara Valley Combined Annual Report 2022-2023 (1.9 MB PDF) Earlier reportsNPDC crematorium
The New Plymouth District Council holds one consent relating to air emissions from the crematorium on Junction Rd, New Plymouth.
NPDC Crematorium SH 3 Annual Report 2023-2024 (1.6 MB pdf) Earlier reportsOpunake Power Ltd
Opunake Power Ltd has eight consents allowing it to take and use water from the Waiaua River, discharge water into the Tasman Sea, discharge sand into the Waiaua River, disturb the bed of the Waiaua River and Lake Opunake, and for structures associated with its hydro scheme.
Opunake Power consent monitoring 2017-2018 (823 KB pdf) Earlier reportsPacific Natural Gut String Company
The Pacific Natural Gut String Company’s processing plant on SH45 west of Manaia has a resource consent allowing the company to discharge wastewater directly to the Tasman Sea.
Annual report 2016-2017 (661 KB pdf) Earlier reportsPort area industrial catchments
Monitored consent holders operating in these urban New Plymouth catchments (Hongihongi & Herekawe) include Quantem (formerly Bulk Storage Terminals), Port Taranaki Ltd, Liquigas Ltd, Z Energy Ltd, OMV Taranaki Ltd, NZ Oil Services Ltd, Methanex Motunui Ltd, Beach Energy Resources NZ (Kupe) Ltd, OMV, Fonterra and Molten Metals.
Port Area Industrial Catchments Annual Report 2022-2023 (1.9 MB PDF) Earlier reportsPort Taranaki industries
These reports assess the performance of Port Taranaki Ltd, Downer NZ Ltd, Technix Taranaki Terminal Ltd, Methanex NZ Ltd and NZ Oil Services Ltd.
Port Taranaki Industries Annual Report 2022-2023 (1.1 MB PDF) Earlier reportsPort Taranaki Ltd maintenance dredging
Port Taranaki Ltd has three resource consents allowing it to dredge accumulated sediments within the port and to discharge sediment into inshore and offshore disposal areas in the Tasman Sea.
Port Taranaki Ltd Maintenance Dredging Biennial Report 2020-2022 (1.3 MB PDF) Earlier reportsRemediation NZ Ltd
Remediation NZ Ltd holds eight resource consents covering its worm farming, drilling waste remediation and composting operations at sites at Waitara Rd and Pennington Rd in Brixton and Mokau Rd in Uruti.
Remediation New Zealand Ltd Uruti Composting Facility Annual Report 2022-2023 (3.9 MB PDF) Earlier reportsRenewable Power Ltd Normanby hydro scheme
Renewable Power Ltd has three resource consents allowing it to take and use water and to operate a weir for its hydro power station on the Waingongoro River on Normanby Rd at Okaiawa.
Annual report 2016-2017 (1.3 MB pdf) Earlier reportsSilver Fern Farms Waitōtara
The Silver Fern Farms meat processing plant on Wai-inu Beach Road, Waitōtara, has four resource consents allowing the company to take and use water, discharge wastes by spray irrigation to land, discharge stormwater and cooling water to a tributary of the Waitōtara River and to discharge emissions to the air.
Silver Fern Farms Waitotara Annual Report 2022-2023 (1.7 MB PDF) Earlier reportsTaranaki By Products Ltd
Taranaki By Products Ltd holds 11 resource consents for its animal rendering operation on Kohiti Rd, Okaiawa, allowing it to take and use water, discharge to the Inaha Stream and a tributary, discharge emissions to air, and for structures in a watercourse and to realign a watercourse.
Taranaki Galvanizers Ltd
The Taranaki Galvanizers Ltd zinc galvanizing plant on Monmouth Rd, Stratford, has two resource consents allowing the company to discharge stormwater into a tributary of the Kahouri Stream and to discharge emissions to air.
Taranaki Galvanisers Ltd Annual Report 2022-2023 (640 KB PDF) Earlier reportsTawhiti catchment (Hawera industrial area)
Monitored consent holders operating in this catchment include Silver Fern Farms (meat processing plant), Graeme Lowe Protein Ltd (meat rendering plant) and Taranaki Fish and Game (trout hatchery).
Tawhiti Catchment Monitoring Programme Annual Report 2022-2023 (1 MB PDF) Earlier reportsTodd Energy Aquatic Centre
The New Plymouth District Council holds two resource consents for the Todd Energy Aquatic Centre on Tisch Ave, New Plymouth, allowing it to discharge swimming pool wastewater into the Tasman Sea and to erect, place, use and maintain a discharge pipe.
Todd Energy Aquatic Centre Annual Report 2023 2024 (810 KB PDF) Earlier reportsTodd Generation Ltd McKee Power Plant
Until 2016-2017, this plant was reported on jointly with Todd Petroleum Mining Ltd's McKee Production Station. Prior to 2018-2019, it was also previously reported on as a Nova Energy Ltd plant
Todd McKee Power Plant Annual Report 2023-2024 (1 MB PDF) Earlier reportsManawa Energy Mangorei hydro scheme
Manawa Energy (formally Trustpower Ltd) has seven consents relating to the Mangorei hydroelectric power scheme on the Waiwhakaiho River south of New Plymouth. Consent conditions include requirements relating to lake levels, residual flows and fish passage.
Manawa Energy Mangorei HEP Annual Report 2022-2023 (1.7 MB PDF) Earlier reportsManawa Energy Motukawa hydro scheme
Manawa Energy (formally Trustpower Ltd) has 23 consents relating to the Motukawa hydroelectric power scheme on the Manganui River near Lake Ratapiko, allowing the company to take, divert and discharge water, maintain structures, disturb the bed of the lake and watercourses and discharge waste to land.
Manawa Energy Motukawa HEP Annual Report 2022-2023 (2.9 MB PDF) Earlier reportsManawa Energy Pātea hydro scheme
Manawa Energy (formally Trustpower Ltd) has resource consents relating to the Pātea hydroelectric power scheme on the Pātea River near Hurleyville, the largest in Taranaki. They allow the company to dam, take and/or use water, discharge water into the river, discharge emissions into the air and for structures.
Manawa Energy Patea HEP Annual Report 2022-2023 (1.7 MB PDF) Earlier reportsWaitaha catchment (Bell Block industrial area)
Monitored consent holders operating in this urban fringe Bell Block catchment include AICA (NZ) Ltd, C&O Concrete Products Ltd, Energyworks Ltd, Greymouth Facilities Ltd, Intergroup Ltd, Meredith Scrap Metals Ltd, NPDC, Symons Property Developments Ltd, Taranaki Sawmills Ltd, TBS Coatings Ltd, Pounamu Oilfield Services Ltd, Woodwards 2008 Ltd and Zelam Ltd.
Lower Waiwhakaiho air discharges (Glen Avon-The Valley industrial area)
Companies with consents allowing emissions to air in this urban New Plymouth area include Downer EDI Works Ltd, Dialog Fitzroy Ltd and Katere Surface Coatings Ltd.
Lower Waiwhakaiho Airshed Annual Report 2022-2023 (1.2 MB PDF) Earlier reportsLower Waiwhakaiho catchment (Fitzroy-Glen Avon-The Valley industries)
Monitored consent holders operating in this urban New Plymouth catchment include AML Ltd (Allied Concrete), Devon 662 LP, Downer EDI Works Ltd, Envirowaste Services Ltd, Firth Industries Ltd, Dialog Fitzroy Ltd, Freight and Bulk Transport Holdings Ltd, IBR Holdings Ltd, Nankervis Family Trust, New Plymouth District Council, KiwiRail Holdings Ltd, NZ Railways Corp, Ravensdown Co-operative Fertiliser Ltd, Taranaki Sawmills Ltd, Waste Management NZ Ltd and Technix Group Ltd.
Lower Waiwhakaiho Catchment Annual Report 2022-2023 (3.4 MB PDF) Earlier reports