Waste minimisation for schools

District councils can work with Taranaki schools to help them minimise their own waste, as well as educating pupils about waste minimisation and recycling.

Did you know most schools in the Taranaki region receive recycling bins and collection of recyclables for free?

District councils may be able to offer advice or assistance in setting up a recycling system, improving your current system or any other area of waste minimisation you may need. To find out what's available and who to talk to, go to the Zero Waste Taranaki website(external link)

Composting and worm farming

Learn how to set up a worm farm or compost system, or learn how to make your existing system more efficient. See how composting and worm farming is done at the Taranaki Regional Council gardens.

The session takes 30 minutes and is free. Available to early childhood centres and primary, intermediate and secondary schools. 
Email education@trc.govt.nz 


With support from the school community, students plan, design, and take action to create a sustainable school environment. Zero Waste is one of the five Enviroschools theme areas.

Under Zero Waste, Enviroschools Taranaki runs Boomerang Bag and Plastic Free July initiatives. See the Facebook pages to learn more and get involved:

Boomerang Bags for Taranaki Enviroschools on Facebook(external link)

Plastic Free July Taranaki on Facebook(external link)

For more information visit the Enviroschools website: 

www.enviroschools.org.nz/in_your_region/taranaki(external link)

Email enviroschools@trc.govt.nz

Class tours of recycling facilities

For details, go to the Zero Waste Taranaki website(external link)