Frequently Asked Questions - local elections

Here's all you need to know about the 2025 local body elections.

What are the local body elections?

We hold elections every three years where 11 councillors are picked by voters to represent you in making decisions about our region The last election was in 2022, meaning the next elections will take place in October 2025. 

What are the five constituencies?

Taranaki is divided into five constituencies. Five councillors are elected in the New Plymouth constituency, two in the North Taranaki constituency, two in the South Taranaki constituency, one in the Stratford constituency and one in the Taranaki Māori constituency. Electors on the general electoral roll vote in either the New Plymouth, North Taranaki, South Taranaki or Stratford constituency, depending where they live. Those on the Māori electoral roll elect a councillor in the Taranaki Māori constituency.

Taranaki constituency map 


Who can vote?

Anyone who is enrolled can vote in the election and have a say on the people who will make decisions on what happens in our community. You’re eligible to enrol and vote if you are 18 years or older, a New Zealand citizen or permanent resident, and you’ve lived in Aotearoa/New Zealand continuously for 12 months or more at some time in your life. 

Māori constituency referendum

The Taranaki Māori constituency, for electors on the Māori roll, was brought in in 2022 after a public consultation and will be in place for the 2025 election. Under the Local Government (Electoral Legislation and Māori Wards and Māori Constituencies) Amendment Act 2024(external link) (external link)the Council is required to hold a binding referendum alongside the 2025 election on whether to continue with a Māori constituency in subsequent elections.    

Who can stand for election?

To be eligible to stand for election candidates must be:   

  • A New Zealand citizen;   
  • Enrolled on the parliamentary electoral roll (anywhere in Aotearoa New Zealand);
  • Have lived at their current address for at least one month however, they do not need to live in the area in which they wish to stand, and
  • Be nominated by two people (a candidate cannot nominate themselves). 

A person cannot stand if they are currently serving a prison term of three years or more. 

What voting system does the Council use?

We use the first past the post system. This is a simple method of electing candidates where the candidate with the most votes, wins.