Your search for 'forestry' returned 511 results.


Both exotic and native forest plantation play an important part in soil conservation in the Taranaki region. About half of the 27, 278 hectares of exotic forestry in the region is established on erosion-prone land (14, 738 hectares). Forestry as a sustainable solutionWhere land is suitable for growth and harvest, the Council advocates converting steep, erodible land to forestry. We can provide free Agroforestry Plans to farmers interested in establishing plantation forestry. These plans can

Plantation forestry environmental standards

The National Environmental Standards for Plantation Forestry (NES-PF) came into effect on 1 May 2018. These are a single set of regulations under the Resource Management Act that apply to foresters throughout New Zealand. If you have a forestry block larger than one hectare that was planted specifically for commercial activities and harvest, then the NES-PF applies to you. The NES-PF sets out rules for eight plantation forestry activities: Afforestation. Pruning and thinning to waste.

Plantation forestry environmental standards

The National Environmental Standards for Plantation Forestry (NES-PF) came into effect on 1 May 2018. These are a single set of regulations under the Resource Management Act that apply to foresters throughout New Zealand. If you have a forestry block larger than one hectare that was planted specifically for commercial activities and harvest, then the NES-PF applies to you. The NES-PF sets out rules for eight plantation forestry activities: Afforestation. Pruning and thinning to waste.

Plantation forestry environmental standards

The National Environmental Standards for Plantation Forestry (NES-PF) came into effect on 1 May 2018. These are a single set of regulations under the Resource Management Act that apply to foresters throughout New Zealand. If you have a forestry block larger than one hectare that was planted specifically for commercial activities and harvest, then the NES-PF applies to you. The NES-PF sets out rules for eight plantation forestry activities: Afforestation. Pruning and thinning to waste.

Forestry information & guidance

Information for Taranaki foresters, farmers, loggers and forestry operators and contractors. National Environmental Standards for Plantation Forestry The National Environmental Standards for Plantation Forestry (NES-PF) are a single set of regulations under the Resource Management Act that apply to foresters throughout New Zealand. This info sheet outlines implications for Taranaki foresters. New Environmental Standards - Plantation Forestry (279 KB pdf) (single document only) New Environmental

Forestry information & guidance

Information for Taranaki foresters, farmers, loggers and forestry operators and contractors. National Environmental Standards for Plantation Forestry The National Environmental Standards for Plantation Forestry (NES-PF) are a single set of regulations under the Resource Management Act that apply to foresters throughout New Zealand. This info sheet outlines implications for Taranaki foresters. New Environmental Standards - Plantation Forestry (279 KB pdf) (single document only) New Environmental

8. Forestry

page CONCEPT SHEET 8 Forestry Commercial-scale log harvesting (covering 5ha or more) is the focus of a number of measures in the Draft Freshwater and Land Plan. They are designed to minimise the risks of soil erosion and impacts on freshwater quality. The Council proposes rules that are closely aligned with industry best-practice, while keeping requirements as simple and streamlined as possible. When a resource consent would

The Taranaki region

country, comprising siltstones, sandstones and mudstones, known locally as papa. The topography of the hill country is steeply dissected and is prone to soil erosion and slipping, but can support both pastoral farming and commercial forestry when managed in accordance with the physical limitations of the land. The coastal terraces along the north and south Taranaki coast make up the third major landform feature of the region. The soils of these areas are among the most versatile and productive in the

Hill Country Farm Plans

exclusion fencing. In the past five years, farmers have planted over 20,000 poplar poles, established 203 hectares of forestry and erected 116.8 km of fencing to retire 3,333 hectares of marginal land. Contact us Call Taranaki Regional Council on 0800 736 222 and ask for a Land Management Officer or email us at Alternatively, fill out our contact form here.(external link) Farm Plans Comprehensive Farm Plans Comprehensive Farm Plans to look at all aspects of operations across an