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McKechnie Aluminium Annual Report 2022-2023

this was due to nearby earthworks. The analytical results of the gauging also showed that the levels of deposited metals were much lower than allowed by the Department of Health (1992) guidelines for maximum annual application to agricultural land of heavy metals (in sewage sludge). page 17 Evaluation of performance A tabular summary of the consent holder’s compliance record for the year under review is set out in Table 8 and Table 9. Table 9 Summary of

Appendix 6: Demolition proposal

from a clean site would take 30-40 weeks in total. We estimate that the total cost would be about $1.6 million plus GST, excluding the cost of obtaining any consents necessary, although it is not anticipated that consents would be a problem. This estimated cost is also based on the assumption that any other contamination apart from asbestos would be quite minor. We consider that the above estimate of time and cost would be reasonably accurate and we would be very pleased to supply

Awards honour region’s environmental heroes

on how the energy sector can decarbonise. Melany Hunt, Nova Energy Stakeholder, Community and Sustainability Leader, says: “Nova Energy developed the Kapuni solar power plant to demonstrate that electricity generation, the environment, tangata whenua and agriculture can coexist in a sustainable win-win environment. It takes a village to build a successful power plant and Nova Energy could not have done it without help from the Kapuni community and tangata whenua.” Environmental Action in Water

Investigation of air quality arising from flaring of fracturing fluids

industrial processes as a basis for the production of other substances, and as an ingredient in formulations such as paint strippers, aerosols, paints, car care products, and as a fuel additive. It degrades quickly within the environment. In the presence of other volatile organic substances in air, it can contribute to the formation of photochemical smog. In very high doses (intentional consumption) methanol can be fatal, with other toxic effects at lesser levels of exposure. These effects are

Agenda Policy Planning Committee 15 March 2022

in relation to this decision; and in accordance with section 79 of the Act, determines that it does not require further information, further assessment of options or further analysis of costs and benefits, or advantages and disadvantages prior to making a decision on this matter. MacLeod/Joyce Policy and Planning Committee - Confirmation of Minutes 6 page 3. Update on Old Man’s Beard Control Programme 3.1 Mr D R Harrison, Director - Operations, spoke to the

Agenda for hearing on representation arrangements

purpose of this hearing is to receive all the submissions, to hear those submitters that wish to present their submissions and to consider any changes to the proposal ahead of the Council considering a final proposal at its 21 September 2021 Ordinary Meeting. 7. A number of the submissions are addressing matters of policy or principle that are beyond the bounds of the current Local Electoral Act 2001 to address. In particular, the formula for establishing how Māori constituencies are created

Policy & Planning agenda April 2019

development policies: the New Zealand Coastal Policy Statement (NZCPS) is particularly directive towards protection of the coastal environment and some submitters were concerned with how the needs of regionally important infrastructure would be balanced against the need to protect specific values. Council officers considered recent case law from Otago on the issue and recommend minor changes, including a new policy, to better align with the National Policy Statement on Electricity Transmission

MataurangaMaori web

it will likely not replicate it exactly when developing plans in other areas. The project was straining on WRC’s capacity, as they estimate the collaborative process was as much as twice the cost of the traditional consultative process, making WRC hesitant to repeat the process to the same extent in the future. Council staff have also been exhausted by the intensive workload sustained over a number of years and staff turnover (of scientists and consultants for example) has been

Site 84

these examples to help you get your head around how the site can be used as an educational resource. If you’d be interested in learning how to enter species sightings in NatureWatch NZ for identification and environmental education purposes get in touch and we can look into organising a staff development session. Enjoy! Nāku noa nā, Dr Emily Roberts I’ve loved working with a number of schools in Taranaki through the Curious Minds Participatory Science Platform

Neil and Lloma Hibell

Council (TRC) with the personnel below, on 30 July 2021at the TRC in Stratford, to clarify details of the Application: a. Gary Bedford – Planning Manager b. Colin McLellan – Consents Manager 3. They shared with us how revealing this meeting was, in terms of how current consents are supposed to operate, what obligations are placed on parties, and the rights of affected parties. If we, and neighbours, had been aware of these much earlier, we believe that the TRC would