Your search for 'oil and gas report' returned 4394 results.

Colson Rd Landfill consent monitoring 2017-2018

monitoring 55 Deposition gauging 55 Ambient suspended particulate and landfill gas component monitoring 56 2.8 Investigations, interventions, and incidents 57 2.9 Management and reporting 66 2.9.1 Landfill management and contingency plans 66 2.9.2 Colson Road Landfill Liaison Committee 67 2.9.3 Independent consultant’s reports 67 2.9.4 Composting 69 3 Discussion 70 3.1 Site performance 70 3.2 Environmental effects of exercise of consents 73 3.3

Wellington landfarm consent monitoring 2017-2018

Drilling fluids Oil and gas wells may be drilled with either synthetic based mud (SBM) or water based mud (WBM). As the names suggest, these are fluids with either water (fresh or saline) or synthetic oil as a base material, to which further compounds are added to modify the physical characteristics of the mud (for example mud weight or viscosity). More than one type of fluid may be used to drill an individual well. In the past, oil based muds (diesel/crude oil based) have also been used. Their

Quarterly Operational Report September 2019

reports covering activities in the oil and gas exploration sector have been presented. A number of individual programmes had been merged for efficiency in 2017/2018, so while monitoring activities have increased overall, the number of programmes shows a reduction. There are additional programmes for hydrocarbon exploration and development activities from time to time. With the continuing downturn in the oil and gas exploration and production sector, it is likely that the number of

Port Area Industrial Catchments Annual Report 2022-2023

Herekawe Stream Nov 2015 June 2026 June 2032 New Plymouth District Council 5125-2 To discharge stormwater into the Herekawe Stream Nov 2015 June 2026 June 2032 New Zealand Oil and Gas Services Ltd 7152-1.2 To discharge treated stormwater and hydrotest water from a hydrocarbon storage facility into the Herekawe Stream Sep 2007 - June 2026 OMV New Zealand Ltd 1316-3.5 To discharge treated and un-treated stormwater into the Herekawe

NZEC deep well injection monitoring 2018-2019

deep well injection (DWI) activities. Both companies are subsidiaries of New Zealand Energy Corporation (the Company). During the period under review, the Company held four resource consents for the subsurface injection of fluids by DWI. The consents authorise discharges from four separate wellsites within the Company’s oil and gas fields. These include the Waihapa-F wellsite, located near Bird Road, 6 km south-east of Stratford, the Waihapa-D and Waitapu wellsites located on Cheal Road,

Managing diffuse-source discharges to land and water in Taranaki

fertilisers and agrichemicals to land and runoff to water runoff from other farm sources (e.g. feeding paddocks, standoff pads, farm tracks and raceways) to water the avoidance and mitigation of the adverse environmental effects of diffuse source discharges to water through riparian management. Other issues such as the impact of discharges to water that come from end-of-pipe sources (point sources) are largely addressed in a separate report by the Council on the future management

Quarterly Operational Report March 2018

programmes have now been reported on in full, meeting the Annual Plan target. A number of individual programmes were merged for efficiency in 2017/2018, so while monitoring activities have increased overall, the number of programmes shows a reduction. With the continuing downturn in the oil and gas exploration and production sector, it is likely that the number of compliance programmes and reports for this sector will remain at subdued levels. The dairy farm effluent system non-compliance

Quarterly Operational Report September 2019

reports covering activities in the oil and gas exploration sector have been presented. A number of individual programmes had been merged for efficiency in 2017/2018, so while monitoring activities have increased overall, the number of programmes shows a reduction. There are additional programmes for hydrocarbon exploration and development activities from time to time. With the continuing downturn in the oil and gas exploration and production sector, it is likely that the number of


monitoring (1.1 MB pdf) See appendices Coastal erosion information: inventory & recommendations for monitoring (1.1 MB pdf) Appendix 1 (45 KB pdf) Appendix 2 (412 KB pdf) Appendix 3 (301 KB pdf) Marine oil spill response - Okato 2007 A report on the Council's response to what was then the largest ever crude oil spill in New Zealand and the third largest oil spill of any type in New Zealand in recent history. The oil affected nearly 14 kilometres of sand and rocks along the coast near Okato in October