Your search for 'Weather' returned 1258 results.

Aggradation in rivers & streams of the Taranaki ring plain

8. Management of aggrading channels 11 8.1 Process 11 8.2 Control 11 9. Science interests 12 9.1 Massey University 12 9.2 Waikato University 12 9.3 Landcare Research 12 9.4 Geological and Nuclear Sciences 14 9.5 Options 14 10. Conclusions 15 10.1 Upper catchments 15 10.2 Weather effect 15 10.3 Damage 15 10.4 Long term effects 15 10.5 Management options 15 10.6 Egmont National Park 16 page ii 11. Obstructions to flow in watercourses 18

Motukawa hydro scheme monitoring 2019-2020

summer weather conditions experienced in Taranaki during the period being reported, water temperatures in the residual flow reach exceeded 25˚C on only four days compared to the 14 days in the previous period which experienced a hot and dry spring. The maximum temperature for this period was 25.5˚C, much lower compared to the 27.7˚C high from last summer. Relative to previous years, the upstream monitoring site experienced typical heating with temperatures failing to exceed 25˚C during this …

Submission: Opunake Surf Lifesaving

weather conditions to ensure when rescues take place in the annotation annotation annotation


including over-exertion, dehydration, course or weather conditions, accidents with other competitors, spectators or road users and other causes. I acknowledge that safety precautions undertaken by the event organisers (such as course supervision and race safety briefings) are a service to me but are not a guarantee of safety. I understand that I should not compete in this event unless I have trained appropriately and had any health concerns checked by a medical practitioner. I consent

Combined annual report 2014-2015

April) when hydrological flow conditions of the Waitara River allowed, within two hours of high tide, and no less than three days after river fresh conditions. Samples were collected between 0900 and 1800 (NZDT), in line with the Ministry for the Environment (MfE) guidelines (refer to section 2.3.1). Samples were analysed for enterococci, E. coli, faecal coliforms and conductivity. At each site, the following was recorded: time, water temperature, weather condition, wind condition,

Executive Audit and Risk Agenda February 2023

Beach is a fantastic to place to cool off in this awesome weather we’re having! Just a reminder for those going for a dip that you shouldn’t be venturing more than 200 metres from the shore. Most people stay close but some long- distance swimmers can head out a bit further and stray outside the yellow buoys (see inset) which can be dangerous as it’s the area outside the 5 knot speed limit for boats. Let’s stay safe this summer – check out the signs near the beach for more info on the

Submitter evidence - John Oxenham (for Bendalls and Baker)

valley all night through to 8am in the morning. Depending on weather conditions as to how bad the smell is. On foggy mornings it is at its worst and can present as a wall of stench. 19. To be honest I don’t complain a lot because I find that it’s a waste of a phone call. It is too frustrating and I feel like we are not being taken seriously. After we call, TRC comes out and says that it is not offensive or objectionable. This is very upsetting when you are living in it