Your search for 'wind' returned 1075 results.

Policy and Planning Agenda 19 March 2024

page Whakataka te hau Karakia to open and close meetings Whakataka te hau ki te uru Whakataka te hau ki te tonga Kia mākinakina ki uta Kia mātaratara ki tai Kia hī ake ana te atakura He tio, he huka, he hauhu Tūturu o whiti whakamaua kia tina. Tina! Hui ē! Tāiki ē! Cease the winds from the west Cease the winds from the south Let the breeze blow over the land Let the breeze blow over the ocean Let the red-tipped dawn come with a

SEM Lake Rotorangi Annual Report 2020-2021

observations made on each of the sampling occasions during the period under review are presented in Table 5. Table 5 Observations at Lake Rotorangi monitoring sites on sampling occasions during 2020-2021 Date Lake level (m asl) Weather Wind Lake appearance L2 L3 L2 L3 16 Oct 2020 76.78 Fine, rain 3 days prior Light NE breeze No wind Turbid, brown- green; surfaced rippled Turbid, green- brown; surface rippled 25 Feb 2021 76.65 Fine, dry weather preceding

Appendices to Jason Savelio Karena Pene's evidence

page Appendix A: Wind rose analyses New Plymouth AWS observations 2014-2018 (calms: 0.02%, average wind speed 5.42 m/s) Figure A1: Wind rose frequency analysis of wind speeds and directions observed at the New Plymouth AWS weather station 2014 to 2018, 1-hour average data page New Plymouth AWS observations 2016 (calms: 0.03%, average wind speed 5.62 m/s) CALMET predictions at site 2016 (Calms: 0.47%, average wind speed 5.32 m/s) Figure 1: Comparison of wind rose

Operations and Regulatory Committee Agenda February 23 Part 1

tonga Kia mākinakina ki uta Kia mātaratara ki tai Kia hī ake ana te atakura He tio, he huka, he hauhu Tūturu o whiti whakamaua kia tina. Tina! Hui ē! Tāiki ē! Cease the winds from the west Cease the winds from the south Let the breeze blow over the land Let the breeze blow over the ocean Let the red-tipped dawn come with a sharpened air A touch of frost, a promise of glorious day Let there be certainty Secure it! Draw together!

Council Officer Report and Recommendations

90: In terms of dispersion of emissions that might be odorous offsite, these are more likely when winds at the site are more likely to disperse odour emissions towards the north-west. […] These updates are not shown as tracked changes in the body of the report. page ii Officer Report for resource consent 5262-3.0 (Pursuant to section 42A of the Resource Management Act) To The Hearing Committee From Jocelyne Allen - Consents Manager Gary Bedford

Deborah Anne Ryan's evidence

consider, however, that T+T’s Assessment did have limitations in the information used to conclude that the effects were less than minor. In my view, insufficient weight was given to low wind speeds and the frequency of winds that could carry to nearby dwellings, particularly given the discharge configuration from the wall-mounted fans along the north-eastern boundary. (b) Having visited, and observed the odour at the site, and taking into consideration the local wind

Todd Petroleum Mining Company Kapuni Production Station Annual Report 2022-2023

wellsites. Inspections were undertaken on 28 July and 31 October 2022, and 8 March and 16 May 2023. Additional monitoring was undertaken during the monitoring period in relation to drilling at the Kapuni-J wellsite. This will be discussed in the annual drilling report. 28 July 2022 Heavy persistent rain and strong winds have proceeded the inspection. The stormwater system was working well, with all stormwater being collected and directed for treatment prior to discharge from site. The site

Whiting - 25 Feb 2022

produced elsewhere. Methodology 6 Each odour diary entry provided by submitters was analysed against local wind data and site production information to ascertain whether the information/data indicated: (a) the observed odour noted in the diary entry potentially originated from Airport Farm (this is referred to as an "aligned" entry in the results); or (b) the observed odour was unlikely to have originated from Airport Farm (this is referred to as an "unaligned" entry