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Agenda for Policy & Planning Committee November 2017.

Rotokare Chew Card Activity

Step 3: Using a knife, fill diagonally opposite corners of the card with peanut butter about 2cm deep inside the card’s channels / flutes / tunnels Step 4: Fold the card in half and pierce a 50mm flathead nail about 10mm from the centrefold on the top, and closer to the centrefold on the bottom half. This will set the card at 90o with an open mouth Step 5: Nail the card on a tree 30cm up from the ground at a 30o angle. Note: If you have cattle around,

Appendix 1B: Catchments identified for enhancement of values

values. Brown mudfish in swampy stream tributaries. Introduced grasses and weeds, some exotic trees and pasture. Tawhiti Stream to the confluence with the Tangahoe River Good to average. Lowland catchment. Very high groundwater nitrate in some bores. Poor MCI. Median flow of 500l/s at Duffy’s. Residual flow is below flow which retains 2/3 habitat at MALF54 Waimoku Stream High bacteria levels. Very popular for bathing at river mouth.

Biodiversity & water quality - funding available for landowners

Funding may be available for: Forestry (exotic and indigenous), fencing for forestry and land retirement, poplar and willow poles. Taranaki Regional Council acknowledges the co-funding of STRESS by the MPI Hill Country Erosion Fund. Council can also assist planholders with One Billion Trees grant applications which includes forestry and reversion. Contact: Land Management Team Riparian assistance • Catchment Funding: Mitigate effects of freshwater

Appendix 9: Smoke from burning vegitation

be burned (such as trimmings, pruning or fellings cut from active growth) should as a general guide be allowed to dry to brown appearance prior to burning. Except for tree stumps or crop stubble, the place of combustion should be at least 50 metres from any road other than a highway, and 100 metres from any highway or dwellinghouse on a neighbouring property or national park boundary. Due regard should be given to direction and strength of wind, and quantity and

Westown Haulage monitoring 2020-2021

cleanfill materials. No treated wood waste or wood products shall be disposed of at the site. For the purposes of this condition, “cleanfill” are defined as materials consisting of any concrete, cement or cement wastes, bricks, mortar, tiles (clay, ceramic or concrete), non- tanalised timber, porcelain, glass, gravels, boulders, shingles, fibreglass, plastics, sand, soils and clays, and/or tree stumps and roots, whether singly or in combination or mixture, or any other material (subject to

Pest Off Brodifacoum bait

poison which can accumulate in the liver, kidneys and fat tissue. • Dogs or other pets which scavenge poisoned animals should immediately be taken to a vet for treatment with Vitamin K, which is an effective antidote. • Before letting stock back into treated areas, remove all bait from bait stations – including those that are high in trees or otherwise out of reach. Pest Off Brodifacoum Possum Bait Instructions for use Number 15 For further advice or

Dimar Partnership monitoring report 2017-2018

number of years the dump was filled with household rubbish, broken concrete, timber, tree prunings and farm waste from several of the surrounding properties (Photo 1). The dump was located approximately 22 m away from the Mangimangi Stream, therefore the discharge of contaminants (leachate) into the Mangimangi Stream has the potential to result in the contamination of surface water. Since the closure of the dump, the consent holder has rehabilitated the site. This has involved removing all