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Application attachment 5 appendix D Existing Resource Consents Trustpower Limited 26 Nov 2021

maintenance shall occur within 12 months of the completion of the survey. 5. That the consent holder shall install and operate measuring devices capable of measuring the water level, at a minimum of 15 minute intervals, in the race at the locations specified in condition 2, and shall make records of such measurements available to the Chief Executive at three monthly intervals. The records supplied are also to include the rainfall data at hourly intervals from the station established at the

Long-Term Plan 2018/2028 Consultation Document

and associated actions to minimise or prevent damage by floods and river erosion. In 2018/2019, all flood control schemes will be maintained to the 1 in 100 year levels of protection or to the standard set in the relevant asset management plan for minor schemes. Rainfall and river levels will be monitored and timely flood warnings issued. page 21 Recreation, culture and heritage Facilitate the continued development and maintenance of Yarrow

Waste Remediation Services Ltd Waikaikai Landfarm Annual Report 2021-2022

surface). Average annual rainfall for the site is 1,043 mm (taken from the nearby Patea monitoring station). Origin Energy Ltd’s Kauri D wellsite is situated in the eastern corner of the site, and there is a small coastal lake inland and to the northeast (up gradient) of the storage pit area. Both of these operational features are presented in Figure 1. Figure 1 WRS Waikaikai Landfarm and regional insert page 5 A summary of the site data is provided below:

Decision of Hearing Panel on consent applications by Remediation NZ Ltd (2021)

the watercourses, especially during heavy rainfall events. The surrounding hills are steep with a mixture of grass cover, scrub, and native bush, and the valley floor is generally comprised of shallow alluvial soils with a papa clay base. Report structure 15. Our report is structured to provide a decision with respect to the resource consent application. 16. Resource consent applications require a decision to be made, either granting consent (with or without conditions), or declining

Kapuni annual report 2015-2016

undertaken during fine weather following very heavy rainfall in the Kapuni catchment the week before. The river had risen to a very high level during this rainfall event. No damage was noted around the fire water intake or the stormwater discharge point into the Kapuni Stream. Minimal flaring was being undertaken at the time of the inspection, with no odours or smoke observed. 28 April 2016 A site inspection was undertaken during routine production. The fire water intake gallery had been

Report 2013

Greymouth Petroleum Kowhai B consent monitoring report - Taranaki Regional Council

Report 2014

L&M Energy Kahili wellsite consent monitoring report - Taranaki Regional Council.

Decision of Hearing Panel Remediation NZ Ltd 26 May 2021

the watercourses, especially during heavy rainfall events. The surrounding hills are steep with a mixture of grass cover, scrub, and native bush, and the valley floor is generally comprised of shallow alluvial soils with a papa clay base. Report structure 15. Our report is structured to provide a decision with respect to the resource consent application. 16. Resource consent applications require a decision to be made, either granting consent (with or without conditions), or declining