Your search for 'rainfall' returned 1239 results.

Pohokura PS consent monitoring 2018-2019

Results of consent holder monitoring Stormwater monitoring by OMV OMV monitors the combined stormwater discharge from the site, with sampling triggered by rainfall events. Table 4 shows the results obtained during the 2018-2019 monitoring year. In all samples pH, hydrocarbons and chloride levels were all within/below the limits set by consents 5997-1 and 6269-1, and were indicative of a consistently clean discharge. The level of suspended solids was slightly above the allowable limit

Annual report 2016-2017

smoke or odours noted. 29 September 2016 The site was inspected following reasonably heavy rainfall over the preceding 12 to 18 hours. All ring drains and bunds were clear of contamination and the skimmer pits were operating in a satisfactory manner. There were no adverse effects of discharge observed in the nearby tributary. Full drums of oil were securely contained in a bund while empty drums were awaiting removal. No flaring was occurring. 16 January 2017 The site was

Symes Landfarm consent monitoring 2019-2020

shallow water table. Test bores were augured to 10 m in the pit area, revealing extensive compacted, low permeable clays underlying coastal dune sands. Pit construction revealed mostly tightly packed sand at the pit bases (approximately 4-5 m below surface). Average annual rainfall for the site is 1,023 mm (taken from the nearby ‘Duffy’ monitoring station). As with the other South Taranaki coastal sites, this site is subject to strong winds. Figure 1 WRS Symes Manawapou Landfarm extent and …

Greymouth Petroleum Southern Sites Annual Report 2021-2022

have included an additional sediment settling pond being added to the stormwater system (Photo 4). This discharges to the stream via a new pipe (STW002101) into the same manhole as STW002016. The original connection from the skimmer pits (STW002016) has been retained so that during times of high rainfall the flow can come directly from the skimmer pits rather than flushing out the sediment settling pond. Sampling of the discharge from the Kaimiro Production Station was undertaken twice