Your search for 'fish' returned 1276 results.

KA 1/7/19/20 hydraulic fracturing monitoring report 2016-2018

liquid was discharged across the four fractured zones. The total proppant weight was 188 tonnes (414,981 lbs). • The KA20 well was opened for flow-back following the completion of fracturing operations. In total, 1,644 bbls (261 m³) of fluid was returned from the well over the initial flow-back period. • The volume of fluid remaining in the formation after initial flow-back was 8,480 bbls (1,343 m3) or 84% of the total fluid discharged. • During subsequent fishing operations a further

Annual report 2012-2013

obstruct the passage of fish Site specific monitoring programme - inspection Yes 7. The culvert shall not cause erosion to the river channel Site specific monitoring programme – programme management Yes 8. The culvert will only be installed at a certain time of the year N/A N/A 9. The culvert shall not cause pollution after reasonable mixing Site specific monitoring programme – inspection and water sampling Yes page 12 Condition requirement


Agenda for Ordinary Council meeting February 2017.