Your search for 'notification' returned 1553 results.

Oaonui Water Supply Ltd Annual Report 2022-2023

data received Yes 4. Equipment installed and maintained as per water takes regulations Meter verified Yes – October 2019 5. Notification to Council of equipment failure Liaison with consent holder Yes 6. Measuring and recording equipment to be accessible Inspection Yes 7. Measurement of stream flow Telemetered data Yes 8. Provision of abstraction records in suitable format Telemetered data Yes 9. Restrictions of water use during low flows Telemetered data. Yes

Planning Assessment to accompany updated Landscape Visual Effects Assessment

believe that the effects provided in the LVEA assessment directly correspond to the need for public notification (i.e., a minor or more than minor adverse effect). Overall, as concluded in Section 5.9 of the Assessment of Effects on the Environment prepared by Tonkin + Taylor, when considering the existing character, values and locational context of the site, as well as the constrained scale and temporary duration of construction works, and the range of proposed mitigation measures, it is

Silver Fern Farms Waitotara Annual Report 2022-2023

requirements of the consent are being met; and • Notification of these issues was not provided to Council in all instances as required by condition 6 of consent 2260-3.1. The consent also requires the provision of a report assessing the sustainability of the aquifer that the Company is abstracting from on a three yearly basis. The report, utilising the data up to 30 June 2023, was received but contained some minor data errors in the daily abstraction rates. The revised data and graphical

C D Boyd Drilling Waste Land Farming Annual Report 2022-2023

48 hours prior to the transportation of the sludge to the disposal site, and again at least 48 hours prior to beginning the actual disposal operation. Notification shall include the consent number and a brief description of the activity consented and be emailed to 5. The sludge shall only be spread in the areas specified in application 4067 and 6784. 6. The consent holder shall ensure that sludge stockpiles are adequately bunded to ensure that

Hickman J D 1997 Family Trust Annual Report 2022-2023

Maintenance of a contingency plan. Copy to be provided to Council Check of Council records. Plan dated November 2016 on record Yes 7. Operate in accordance with a management plan to minimise contaminant in the stormwater and wash water. Copy of plan to be provided to Council Site inspection and check of Council records. Stormwater Management Plan provided July 2017 Yes 8. Prior notification to Council of changes that may affect the nature of the discharges from the site

Lower Waiwhakaiho Airshed Annual Report 2022-2023

holder N/A 13. Notification 48 hours before blasting near watercourses Liaison with consent holder N/A 14. Discharges prohibited within 150 m of sites of significance to Maori Liaison with consent holder N/A 15. Limits on suspended particulate matter and dust deposition Liaison with consent holder N/A 16. Wind direction and strength accounted for during blasting Liaison with consent holder N/A 17. Requirements for record keeping of blasting activities