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Tawhiti Catchment Monitoring Programme Annual Report 2022-2023

plants and from a residential subdivision on Mason Road. The combined wastes are pumped through a dedicated pipeline to Hawera wastewater treatment plant, and upon completion of treatment is then discharged via an ocean outfall under consent 5079-1, held by South Taranaki District Council. Therefore, no wastewater discharges occur to the Tawhiti Stream at the Silver Fern Farms site. A contingency pond is available should Silver Fern Farms’ access to the Hawera township sewage system be

Candidates Handbook 2022

or subdivision of the district (e.g. if a person wishes to stand for election to a specific constituency, then that person must be nominated by two electors from the specific constituency). If a candidate is unable to sign the nomination paper (e.g. absent overseas), a letter of consent signed by the candidate is acceptable to attach to the nomination paper. If a candidate is commonly known in the community by a slightly different name (e.g. Edward Smith is commonly known as Ted

Appendix I: Natural character policies

subdivision with the above components. Policy Two: Appropriate subdivision, use and development The protection of the natural character of the coastal environment shall be achieved by having regard to the following criteria in determining appropriate subdivision, use and development of the coastal environment: - the degree and significance of actual or potential adverse effects on the natural character of the coastal environment, including cumulative effects, and the efficacy of measures to avoid,

Looking after your household sewerage system

districts. • The Building Act 2004, where district council’s ensure that building consent applications make proper provision for the disposal of wastewater. • The Resource Management Act 1991, where district council’s control the effects of land subdivision and development the environment through district plan rules and associated standards relating to wastewater treatment and site drainage. • The Health Act 1956, where district council’s are responsible for public health

Weather-related hazards

resume. Restrictions can be imposed through resource consent conditions or, if the Council considers it necessary, by the issue of a water shortage direction under Section 329 of the RMA. The Council also monitors compliance with any restrictions that may be in place. Federated Farmers, Fonterra and the Rural Support Trust provide assistance to farmers during drought conditions. Taranaki farmers can also follow the NIWA climate outlooks and information provided by district and

LMInfoSheet39 AgroForestryPlans

establishment on suitable land, enclosed by pasture or by scrub or bush. Purpose of an agroforestry plan Agroforestry plans provide forestry recommendations that work within the farm's physical and financial constraints. Land management issues that are tackled in an agroforestry plan include:  Farm woodlots  Farm shelter  Scrub or bush retirement  Fencing subdivision  Track layout  Impact on stock numbers and farm income The

Agroforestry Plans

establishment on suitable land, enclosed by pasture or by scrub or bush. Purpose of an agroforestry plan Agroforestry plans provide forestry recommendations that work within the farm's physical and financial constraints. Land management issues that are tackled in an agroforestry plan include:  Farm woodlots  Farm shelter  Scrub or bush retirement  Fencing subdivision  Track layout  Impact on stock numbers and farm income The

Where does the Proposed Coastal Plan apply?

• New Plymouth and South Taranaki District Plans address subdivision and land use activities in the coastal environment, outside of the coastal marine area. The wet bit: The Coastal Marine Area All aspects of the Proposed Coastal Plan, including the rules and activity-based policies, apply to the coastal marine area (CMA). The CMA is part of the coastal environment, the seaward side of the mean high water springs (the highest high-tide mark), the ‘wet bit’. Examples in