Your search for 'trees' returned 857 results.

Appendix K - landscaping plan

reports and specifications that have been previously approved. The objectives and action plans are to be reviewed on an annual basis. 2.0 General The Uruti site comprises 620ha of land, from stream flats to steep contour. Approximately 325ha of land is regenerating bush, with a reasonable density of Manuka trees and shrubs. 3.0 Resource Consent Conditions Existing Resource Consent Condition 26 The consent holder shall maintain the areas of riparian planting, undertaken in

Taranaki Enviroschools - Term 3 2020 panui page Term 3 JULY 2020Enviroschools Taranaki Students have pitched in to support their local community by joining forces with the Opunake Lions, the Opunake Loop Trail Trust, Wild for Taranaki, Trees that Count and Towards Predator Free Taranaki. Together they are working to plant 3000 na�ve trees around the Loop Trail. To date, there has been 3 plan�ng mornings with the High School students plan�ng approximately 600 trees already. Further

Swamp maire, waiwaka

page DESCRIPTION Swamp maire is a native tree that was once common in coastal and lowland swamps in Taranaki. It forms a medium-sized tree growing to a height of about 16m, with a compact canopy and often many trunks. The bark is pale, almost white, and is smooth and soft to touch. The thin, shiny yellow- green leaves often have small blisters and/or dark spots on the surface. The leaf margins are smooth and

Legal Submissions - Airport Farm Trustee Ltd

Hawthom22 to whether something will not exist in future, the question is whether it is likely (as opposed to fanciful) that the trees could be removed (whether by an act of nature or intentional) in future. Since Hawthorn, the Environment Court has found that "likely" means "more likely than not". 23 The trees on the McDonald's property are currently part of the existing environment and it is submitted it is not "more likely than not" that an act of nature would remove all the trees

Cool Acres

Area and Raurimu KNEs, providing very good connectivity between indigenous habitats in this area. Ecological Features Flora The areas of old forest canopy are dominated by tawa with a mixed and varied range of other species, including pukatea, rewarewa, kāmahi, miro, rimu, hīnau, kahikatea and pigeonwood. The understory is dominated by unpalatable species, such tree ferns, mingimingi and tree daisy. Notable flora species are present including three species

Sandy Bay - Waikekeho 2 (p218-289)

dominated by kamahi but with succession this area will regenerate to include a greater range of species. The forest is believed to be an important bird habitat and feeding area, particularly during the winter. Ecological features Vegetation The Saunder’s Road Forest is a kamahi (Weinmannia racemosa) dominant lowland forest with hinau (Elaeocarpus dentatus) as a common associate. Emergent trees include rata (Metrosideros robusta) and tawa (Beilschmiedia tawa). Tawa reaches its

Comprehensive Farm Plans

page Taranaki Regional Council Land Management Section 47 Cloten Road, Stratford Email: Ph: 06 765 7127, Working with people | caring for Taranaki Introduction In Taranaki’s eastern hill country, farms are a mix of stable land which can be intensively grazed, unstable slopes where pasture can be sustained by judicious planting of soil conservation trees such


Agenda for Policy & Planning Committee March 2017

Application AEE 20 02053 4 0 + 5 other renewals 1 new Trustpower 25 November 2020

Features, Landscapes, Areas, Ecosystems and Trees 33 2.9 Recreational Features and Recognition 34 3. Proposal ____________________________________________________________ 36 3.1 Introduction 36 3.2 Waiwhakaiho River Diversion 37 3.3 Lake Mangamahoe 41 3.4 Discharge of Water to the Waiwhakaiho River 44 3.5 Overview of Proposed Controls for the Mangorei HEPS 44 4. Resource Consent Requirements _________________________________________ 47 4.1 Overview 47 4.2 Consent Duration 49 5.

Annual report 2014-2015

Company Limited (Taranaki Trucking), and V Rowe Family Trust & G Bayliss Family Trust (Rowe & Bayliss). These consents contain conditions that: • limit discharges to land to include ‘cleanfill’ and/or inert materials consisting of concrete, cement or cement wastes, bricks, mortar, tiles [clay, ceramic or concrete], non-tanalised timber, porcelain, glass, gravels, boulders, shingles, fibreglass, plastics, sand, soils and clays, and/or tree stumps and roots; • prohibit the discharge of