Analysis of stream responses to riparian management on the Taranaki ring plain
Analysis of stream responses to riparian management on the Taranaki ring plain (NIWA).
Analysis of stream responses to riparian management on the Taranaki ring plain (NIWA).
undertaken during fine weather following very heavy rainfall in the Kapuni catchment the week before. The river had risen to a very high level during this rainfall event. No damage was noted around the fire water intake or the stormwater discharge point into the Kapuni Stream. Minimal flaring was being undertaken at the time of the inspection, with no odours or smoke observed. 28 April 2016 A site inspection was undertaken during routine production. The fire water intake gallery had been
Greymouth Petroleum Kowhai B consent monitoring report - Taranaki Regional Council
L&M Energy Kahili wellsite consent monitoring report - Taranaki Regional Council.
Northern quarries combined consent monitoring report 2016-2018
the watercourses, especially during heavy rainfall events. The surrounding hills are steep with a mixture of grass cover, scrub, and native bush, and the valley floor is generally comprised of shallow alluvial soils with a papa clay base. Report structure 15. Our report is structured to provide a decision with respect to the resource consent application. 16. Resource consent applications require a decision to be made, either granting consent (with or without conditions), or declining
the watercourses, especially during heavy rainfall events. The surrounding hills are steep with a mixture of grass cover, scrub, and native bush, and the valley floor is generally comprised of shallow alluvial soils with a papa clay base. Report structure 15. Our report is structured to provide a decision with respect to the resource consent application. 16. Resource consent applications require a decision to be made, either granting consent (with or without conditions), or declining
moderate temperatures, and regular rainfall throughout the year. Rainfall varies markedly throughout the region, ranging from less than 1,400 mm in the coastal areas to in excess of 8,000 mm at the summit of Mount Taranaki. Rainfall also increases with elevation in the Taranaki hill country. Taranaki is windy but wind strengths vary greatly because of the range in topographical features, which influence exposure. 2.6 THE TARANAKI COMMUNITY
prosecutions have received coverage in local media outlets The consent renewal hearing regarding a poultry farm on Airport Drive attracted media interest, and this is expected to continue as the hearing process progresses Executive, Audit & Risk Committee - Financial and Operational Report 11 page The Council shared data about rainfall and river levels during February’s adverse weather events The community was informed about a March’s marine oil spill training exercise.
This was scheduled for immediate repairs. There was no stormwater discharge off site. Only a pilot flare was burning, with no odours or smoke apparent downwind. Everything was satisfactory. 27 January 2014 The site was neat and tidy. There was a slump in the ring drain five metres south of the skimmer pit which needed to be addressed to ensure that all stormwater was directed to the pit. Minimal flaring was being undertaken. 1 May 2014 The site was inspected after significant rainfall