2022 15
8. Memorandum Confirmation of Minutes Policy and Planning Committee 22 November 2022 20
9. Memorandum Confirmation of Minutes Executive Audit and Risk Committee 5 December
10. Taranaki Triennial Agreement 2022-2025 30
11. Wild For Taranaki Memorandum 36
12. Taranaki Regional Council Internal and External Appointments 41
13. Councillor Remuneration 2022/2025 Memorandum 45
14. Port Taranaki Ltd Councillor Directors 147
15. Approval of Proposed Coastal Plan
2016 local elections
Prepared by Dale Ofsoske, Independent Election Services Ltd, November 2015
FAQs – Taranaki Regional Council elections, 8 October 2016
Page 1
Frequently Asked Questions relating to the
Taranaki Regional Council elections
General Information
Q1 What is a regional council? A A regional council is one type of
Charlotte Littlewood is the new chairperson of Taranaki Regional Council, after she was elected unopposed by fellow councillors. At today’s triennial meeting, Mrs Littlewood was the sole nomination for chairperson and received a round of applause as her appointment was confirmed. She nominated long-serving South Taranaki Constituency councillor Neil Walker as her deputy, which also passed with no opposition. Mrs Littlewood, in her third term representing the New Plymouth Constituency, thanked
Programme and manage capital projects and asset maintenance programmes
Contribute to the strategic leadership and direction of the Regional Gardens team and
implementation of the Council's strategic and operational plans.
The role encompasses engagement with iwi/hapū, the science community, and a range of internal
and external stakeholders. This includes helping to build strong and enduring relationships with
these stakeholders. Effectively communicating Councils regional
13b Tainui Street
New Plymouth 4312
Mr Steve Ruru
Chief Executive
Taranaki Regional Council
Private Bag 713
Stratford 4352
By Email: haveyoursay@trc.govt.nz
Māori Constituency Submission
Tēnā koe Mr Ruru,
I am writing in support of the Taranaki Regional Council’s proposal to establish a Māori
Consistency. Doing so is commensurate the the Council’s obligations under the Local
Here’s where you can find out about the future proposed Regional Policy Statement for the Taranaki. The review of the Regional Policy Statement for Taranaki is scheduled to occur in two parts: Part 1: the land and freshwater chapters of the RPS are reviewed and updated to give effect to the National Policy Statement for Freshwater and aligned with the preparation of a Proposed Land and Freshwater Plan for Taranaki. Notification scheduled is for mid 2025. Part 2: the remaining chapters of the
the environment
and the health and wellbeing of our people.
Short term benefits will be increased involvement of Ngāti Mutunga in the kaitiakitanga of our
awa and the recording of robust data and mātauranga Māori. This will assist our longterm
goals of improving water quality and mahinga kai values and ultimately restoring the mauri of
our tupuna awa. Engagement with our iwi and engagement with our regional council is also
another measure of progress.
Boaties are being urged to be aware of others when they head out on the water this summer. Port Taranaki Harbour Master Tony Parr says while it’s always great to see recreational boat owners exploring the Taranaki coastline, those at the helm need to take care and avoid collision with other water users, including other vessels, swimmers and foil windsurfers. “Summer can be a very busy time at the Port. We want everyone who is using the water to stay safe and get home safe,” says Mr Parr. “The
Date 17 March 2020
Subject: Confirmation of Minutes - 4 February 2020
Approved by: A D McLay, Director - Resource Management
B G Chamberlain, Chief Executive
Document: 2446058
That the Policy and Planning Committee of the Taranaki Regional Council:
a) takes as read and confirms the minutes of the Policy and Planning Committee meeting
of the Taranaki Regional Council held in the Taranaki Regional Council chambers, 47
Cloten Road, Stratford, …