city-dwellers and an iwi ranger. Although all from different walks of life, they share a commitment to leaving this region better than how they found it. They’re also all excited about the native birds they can see returning and take satisfaction out of helping make that happen. They have a lot to be proud of, as does the wider Taranaki community. Urban residents are embracing backyard rat trapping, with thousands of traps distributed to households across Taranaki. The rural programme is now into year three
Taranaki Regional Council strategic priorities.
Maintain an understanding of the relationships, and work that
Taranaki Regional Council has underway, with tangata whenua and
Māori groups across the region.
Interface internally and externally on matters regarding
environmental data analysis, data systems, software and database
development programmes.
Develop and maintain professional networks across all relevant
Please note this meeting is starting at a later time than usual. Tuesday 29 June, 1 pm Taranaki Regional Council 47 Cloten Road Stratford Downloads Council meeting agenda June 2021 (20 MB PDF) Council meeting minutes June 2021 (198 KB pdf)
Public transport has been topical in Taranaki recently, with many in our community calling for a different and better way of doing things. It’s a long-overdue and important kōrero that frankly, we’re delighted to see happening. We all agree change is needed, the question is what that change looks like and how it’s funded. Taranaki Regional Council is responsible for public transport in our region, operating the Citylink, Connector, Southlink and most school bus services. It’s been a busy year
Regional Transport Committee Agenda December 2024 (12 MB pdf)
the Taranaki Regional Council, New Plymouth District Council, South Taranaki District Council, Stratford District Council, Venture Taranaki, local business leaders, iwi and central government. Tapuae Roa - Make Way for Taranaki Action Plan April 2018 (6.7 MB pdf) (single document only) Tapuae Roa - Make Way for Taranaki Action Plan April 2018 (6.7 MB pdf) Regional collaboration and shared council services in Taranaki This document gives an overview of the shared services and collaboration between
Ordinary Council meeting agenda 10 December 2024 (2.3 MB pdf)
Tuesday 25 February 2020, 10.30am
Date: Tuesday 25 February 2020, 10.30am
Venue: Taranaki Regional Council chambers, 47 Cloten Road, Stratford
Councillors D N MacLeod (Chairperson)
M P Joyce (Deputy Chairperson)
M J Cloke
M G Davey
D L Lean
C L Littlewood
M J McDonald
D H McIntyre
E Van Der Leden
N W Walker
C S Williamson
Notification of Items
Item 1 4 Minutes Ordinary Meeting - 10 December …
Future directions for
pest management
in Taranaki
Review of the Pest Management Strategy for Taranaki: Animals and
the Pest Management Strategy for Taranaki: Plants-
Intervention logic model worksheets
Taranaki Regional Council
Private Bag 713
Stratford 4352
April 2013
Document: 1164657