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Waste Remediation Services WRS Ltd Symes Manawapou Landfarm Annual Report 2020 2021

period, the Company demonstrated an overall improvement required level of environmental performance. This report for the period July 2020 to June 2021 describes the monitoring programme implemented by the Taranaki Regional Council (the Council) to assess the Company’s environmental and consent compliance performance during the period under review. The report also details the results of the monitoring undertaken and assesses the environmental effects of the Company’s activities. The Company

Mangapouri Cemetery Annual Report 2020 2021

1 Introduction 1.1 Compliance monitoring programme reports and the Resource Management Act 1991 1.1.1 Introduction This report is for the period July 2020 to June 2021 by the Taranaki Regional Council (the Council) describing the results of the monitoring programme associated with the resource consent held by New Plymouth District Council (NPDC). NPDC operate the Mangapouri Cemetery (the Cemetery) located on Junction Road (SH3) between New Plymouth and Egmont Village. NPDC held

Compliance, monitoring and enforcement metrics 2020-2021

page ANALYSIS OF THE 2020/2021 COMPLIANCE MONITORING AND ENFORCEMENT METRICS FOR THE REGIONAL SECTOR PREPARED BY page FOREWORD Michael McCartney Chief Executive Officer at Horizons Regional Council Kia ora, Every year the councils of Aotearoa’s regional sector commission a report to measure our own performance in the areas of compliance, monitoring and enforcement, associated with our role under the Resource Management Act. Compliance, monitoring and

Westown Haulage (additional cleanfill) monitoring 2020-2021

filling of the southern portion of a gully with cleanfill material, with a contingency to receive a small amount of untreated sawdust from the Taranaki Pine site in Bell Block. The activity commenced towards the end of the 2020-2021 monitoring year. This report for the period May 2021 to June 2021 describes the monitoring programme implemented by the Taranaki Regional Council (the Council) to assess the Company’s environmental and consent compliance performance during this period. The report also

Ordinary meeting agenda December 2021

the minutes and resolutions of the Ordinary meeting of the Taranaki Regional Council held in the Taranaki Regional Council chambers, 47 Cloten Road, Stratford on Tuesday 2 November 2021 at 10.30am. Matters arising Appendices/Attachments Document 2903311: Minutes Ordinary - 2 November 2021 Ordinary Meeting Copy - Confirmation of Minutes Ordinary Committee 4 page Date: 2 November 2021, 10.30am Venue: Taranaki Regional Council, 47 Cloten Road, Stratford

Remediation New Zealand Ltd Uruti Composting Facility Monitoring Programme Annual Report 2020 2021

page Executive summary Remediation New Zealand Ltd (the Company) operates a composting facility and worm farm which produces vermicast. It is located on State Highway 3, Mokau Road, Uruti, Taranaki. During the monitoring period, the Company demonstrated an overall poor level of environmental performance. This report for the period July 2020 to June 2021 describes the monitoring programme implemented by the Taranaki Regional Council (the Council) to assess the Company’s

TRC November 2022 RainFall Data

page Map1. Month total rain (mm) and percentage of long-term mean Taranaki Regional Council Monthly Rainfall and Environmental Data Report for November 2022 Note: Provisional Data Only. 1. Rain gauge values at 28 sites in Taranaki Taranaki Regional Council co-owns rain-gauges with Horizons, so we can assess rainfalls right over the Eastern Hill Country (these are included in our reporting since August 2022). page

Pukeiti Rhododendron Trust Newsletter May 2021

0800 736 222 (06) 765 7127 Email Environmental hotline 0800 736 222 Regional gardens Greg Rine Phone: (06) 765 7127 Mobile: 027 240 2470 Andrew Brooker Phone: (06) 765 7127 Mobile 0210 264 4060 TARANAKI REGIONAL COUNCIL is worth a look! Please mark these dates in your calendar. Some dates and details have been changed so check carefully 2021 Page 4 SAT U R DAY, J U N E 19

Resource consents issued 12 November 2021 to 21 January 2022

by the Taranaki Regional Council between 12 Nov 2021 and 21 Jan 2022 Response to Iwi comments A response was sent to Te Kotahitanga o Te Atiawa Trust thanking them for their comment and outlined the limitations on matters for discretion when processing an application for a controlled activity. Further, that TRC has confirmed a definite deadline to the discharge of dairy effluent to water of Dec 1 2022 whereby the applicant must upgrade their system so that it

22 08 19 news release 1 ECC and EOC activated draft 2

essential supplies for each family member. People should also make plans for their pets and shift stock from low lying areas to higher ground.” Taranaki Regional Council has been monitoring river levels around the region overnight and will continue to do so today. Daniel Harrison director-operations Taranaki Regional Councils says: “Taranaki Regional Council has been monitoring river levels around the region overnight and will continue to do so today. “Council staff are stationed at the