outline how the Waitara River Committee, and relevant Iwi authorities that have an interest in the Waitara River catchment, might work with Council in its policy development, consenting and environmental monitoring functions.
_Toc127883382 Bylaws
The Council has established two sets of bylaws. These bylaws are the Taranaki Regional Council Navigation Bylaws for Port Taranaki and its approaches 2009 and the Taranaki Regional Council Flood Protection Bylaw 2020. These bylaws came into effect
Matters Arising
In relation to an invitation to iwi to attend SH3WG meeting.
Tom Cloke - asked for an update.
Chair - discuss in general business
3. Government Policy Statement on Land Transport 2024 (GPS 2024)
Mike Nield led the discussion.
The change of government has resulted in a change of priorities. TRC’s key concerns
with changes are:
- Shift from previous focus on emission reduction
- Change of priority away from public transport
- Tightening of
Environmental Quality staff
External • Iwi and Specialist Interest groups
• General public
Our health and safety | Tō tātou Hauora me te haumaru
The Taranaki Regional Council is committed to a process of continuous improvement in order to
achieve excellence in the management of health and safety at all of our workplaces. We recognise the
District Council (CEO)
Ms F Aitken South Taranaki District Council (CEO)
Mr G Green New Plymouth District Council (CEO)
Mr S Ruru Taranaki Regional Council (CEO)
Ms L Poutu Iwi Representative (Zoom)
Mr T Velvin Taranaki CDEM (Regional Manager)
Ms K Lawson CDEM (Group Welfare Manager)
Mr S Tiatia TEMO (Zoom)
Mrs M Jones Governance Administrator
Miss N Chadwick Executive Assistant
The meeting opened with karakia at 10.00am
Apologies T
formulating its committees, we are required to take
into account the dictates of the Local Government Act
2002. This Act requires a local authority to ensure that,
so far as it is practicable, regulatory decision-making
responsibilities and processes are separated from
responsibility and processes for decision-making for
non-regulatory responsibilities.
In accordance with Te Tiriti o Waitangi, Treaty of
Waitangi settlement legislation, the iwi of Taranaki
appoint three iwi members to the
health of
the Manganui River catchment.
Consultation and Cultural Impact Assessment
Trustpower commenced engagement with key stakeholders in 2018 with Taranaki Regional Council
staff, Fish & Game, and the Department of Conservation. Engagement with iwi and hapu has
resulted in the formulation of an iwi forum in 2019 which includes representatives of 11 iwi and hapu.
The above stakeholders have been provided site visits, and presentations from some of the authors
of the technical
Ms A J Matthews Director – Environment Quality
Mr D R Harrison Director – Operations
Mr S Tamarapa Iwi Communications Officer
Miss R S Sweeney Governance Administrator
Mr C Woollin Communications Advisor
Apologies Apologies were received and sustained from Councillors D N MacLeod, D L
Lean and C S Williamson.
* Due to the apology from Councillor D N MacLeod, Chairman, Councillor M P
Joyce, Deputy Chairman,
- 26 April 2023
Date 26 April 2023, 9.00am
Venue: Taranaki Regional Council Boardroom, 47 Cloten Road, Stratford
Document: 3166312
Present S W Hughes Chairperson
D M Cram Deputy Chairperson
M J Cloke
M G Davey
D H McIntyre
B J Bigham
D L Lean (zoom)
N W Walker ex officio
C L Littlewood ex officio (zoom)
D Luke Iwi Representative
Ā White Iwi Representative
R Buttimore Iwi
freshwater values
Tangata whenua (people of the land) hold an inherited
responsibility through whakapapa (genealogical
relationships) to ensure the health and wellbeing of their
ancestral awa (rivers and streams) and other interconnected
aspects of te taiao (the natural environment).
Over centuries of occupation, local iwi and hapū relied on
te taiao to provide physical and spiritual sustenance. The
awa, ngutuawa (estuaries) and repo (wetlands)
Application No. Consent No. Applicant Lodged Date Application Type Description Activity Type Location Catchment
23-02286-3.0 R2/2286-3.0 Contra Trust 3-Oct-23 Replacement for expiring consent To discharge farm dairy effluent onto land Discharge Permit 527 Palmer Road, Kaponga Waiokura
23-11165-1.0 R2/11165-1.0 Taranaki Iwi Holdings Limited Partnership 4-Oct-23 New consent
To discharge stormwater and sediment from
earthworks and daylighting stream into water Discharge Permit