Your search for 'iwi' returned 1061 results.


page 205 CO AS TAL P L AN F O R TARANAK I S chedu le 5 – H i s t o r i c he r i t age Taranaki Taranaki Iwi exercise mana whenua and mana moana from Paritūtū in the north around the western coast of Taranaki Maunga to Rāwa o Turi Stream in the south, and from these boundary points out to the outer extent of the exclusive economic zone. The traditions of Taranaki Iwi illustrate the ancestral, cultural, historical and spiritual association of

Schedule 5B - Sites of significance to Māori and associated values (Taranaki Iwi)

page 170 CO AS TAL P L AN F O R TARANAK I S chedu le 5 – H i s t o r i c he r i t age Taranaki Taranaki Iwi exercise mana whenua and mana moana from Paritūtū in the north around the western coast of Taranaki Maunga to Rāwa o Turi Stream in the south, and from these boundary points out to the outer extent of the exclusive economic zone. The traditions of Taranaki Iwi illustrate the ancestral, cultural, historical and spiritual association of

Ordinary Council Meeting Minutes December 2022

noted two further Iwi Representatives will be appointed to the Council's Operations and Regulatory Committee g) determined that this decision be recognised as not significant in terms of section 76 of the Local Government Act 2002 h) determined that it has complied with the decision-making provisions of the Local Government Act 2002 to the extent necessary in relation to this decision; and in accordance with section 79 of the Act, determined that it does not require further information,

Policy & Planning agenda March 2019

documents and positions adopted by this Council under various legislative frameworks Policy and Planning Committee - Update on Taranaki Taku Turanga - Our Place: Towards a Predator-Free Taranaki 10 page including, but not restricted to, the Local Government Act 2002, the Resource Management Act 1991 and the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987. Iwi considerations This memorandum and the associated recommendations are consistent with the Council’s

Operations and Regulatory Committee Agenda July 2023

Committee - 6 June 2023 4 page Date 6 June 2023, 9.00am Venue: Taranaki Regional Council Boardroom, 47 Cloten Road, Stratford Document: 3177981 Present S W Hughes Chairperson D M Cram Deputy Chairperson M J Cloke M G Davey D H McIntyre D L Lean (zoom) N W Walker ex officio C L Littlewood ex officio D Luke Iwi Representative Ā White Iwi Representative R Buttimore Iwi Representative (zoom)

Policy & Planning minutes September 2020

(via zoom) G Boyde Stratford District Council Mr P Moeahu Iwi Representative Ms L Tester Iwi Representative Ms B Bigham Iwi Representative Mr P Muir Federated Farmers (via zoom) Attending Councillor D L Lean Messrs M J Nield Acting Chief Executive S Ruru A D McLay Director - Resource Management G K Bedford Director - Environment Quality C Spurdle Planning Manager S Ellis Environment Services Manager (part meeting) S Tamarapa Iwi

PCP Sched5b NorthCoast

settlements in the rohe, such as Ngā Motu and the Waitara River, were on the coast. The papakainga was the centre of social, cultural, economic and spiritual well-being. Papapakainga such as Puke Ariki, Purakau, Rewa Rewa and Mangatī were located on the coast close to the valued resources of water, mahinga kai and kaimoana. The resources sustained and nourished the iwi and were important to ensure survival and to maintain the spiritual, cultural and economic prosperity of Te

Policy & Planning minutes October 2020

District Council G Boyde Stratford District Council Mr P Moeahu Iwi Representative Ms L Tester Iwi Representative Ms B Bigham Iwi Representative Mr P Muir Federated Farmers Representative Attending Councillor D L Lean Messrs S J Ruru Chief Executive M J Nield Director – Corporate Services A D McLay Director - Resource Management G K Bedford Director - Environment Quality D Harrison Director - Operations C Spurdle Planning Manager S …

Policy & Planning agenda July 2021

page Tuesday 20 July 2021, 10.30am Policy and Planning Committee - Cover 1 page Policy and Planning Committee 20 July 2021 10:30 AM Agenda Topic Page Apologies Apologies were received from Councillor Michael Joyce, Mr Peter Moeahu, Iwi Representative and Ms Bonita Bigham, Iwi Representative. Notification of Late Items Purpose of Committee and Health and Safety 3 1. Confirmation of Minutes 4 2. Update on Fresh Water Progress 10 3. Taranaki

Job Description Environment Officer Biodiversity

Operations staff • All Taranaki Regional Council staff External • Land Occupiers and Owners • Iwi and hapu • Contractors • District Councils • Department of Conservation, NGOs and community groups • General public Changes to job description | Ngā huringa ki ngā whakaahuatanga mahi From time to time, it may be necessary to consider changes in the job description in response to the changing nature of our work environment. Such changes, including technological requirements