District Council
Councillor S Hitchcock New Plymouth District Council
Councillor C Young South Taranaki District Council
Ms L Tester Iwi Representative
Ms B Bigham Iwi Representative
Mr P Muir Federated Farmers Representative
Attending Councillor D L Lean
Mr S J Ruru Chief Executive
Mr M J Nield Director – Corporate Services
Mr A D McLay Director - Resource Management
Ms A J Matthews Director – Environment Quality
Mr D R Harrison Director -
account the Treaty of Waitangi. Furthermore, schedule
10 of the Local Government Act 2002 requires the
Council to set out in its long-term plan any steps it
intends to take to foster the development of Māori
capacity to contribute to the decision making processes
over the period covered by the Plan. There are eight
recognised iwi in the region, Ngaa Rauru Kiitahi, Ngāti
Ruanui, Ngāruahine, Taranaki Iwi, Te Atiawa, Ngāti
Mutunga, Ngāti Maru and Ngāti Tama.
NPSFM, NPS-UD) and emerging
Council policy, including a revised Coastal Plan.
5. Reviewing biodiversity provisions in the RPS in terms of their adequacy, effectiveness and efficiency to avoid small but
ongoing biodiversity loss.
6. Working with iwi to better incorporate Maori values and principles and reframe the issues of significance to iwi so they
reflect the Treaty settlements and apply across all the Council’s plans.
Paritūtū, Ngā Motu (area returned to Te Atiawa and Taranaki Iwi as part of Treaty settlement agreements with the Crown and local authorities
annotation https://maps.trc.govt.nz/LocalMapsViewer/?map=14083dae18734b83a3a7a0fc51b34283&MapExtentID=44 https://maps.trc.govt.nz/LocalMapsViewer/?map=14083dae18734b83a3a7a0fc51b34283&MapExtentID=44
CO AS TAL P L AN F O R TARANAK I S chedu le 2 – Coas t a l a rea s o f ou t s t an d ing va lue
appointment of Harbourmasters, Deputy
Harbourmasters, Enforcement Officers and Issuing of Warrants
Item 9 60 Iwi Appointments to Taranaki Regional Council Standing
Item 10 65 Representation Review
Item 11 68 Meeting Dates
Ordinary Meeting - Agenda
Item 12 69 Public Excluded
Item 13 70 Confidential Joint Committee Minutes
Item 14 74 New Plymouth District Council (Waitara Lands) Bill: UPdate
Ordinary Meeting - Agenda
Table of Contents
Acknowledgements ............................................................................................................................. 5
Summary ................................................................................................................................................ 6
Introduction ........................................................................................................................................... 7
Our Iwi
compiled and assessed
a range of data and science collected by the Council and
others. This State of Environment report covers different
aspects of Taranaki climate and air, land and water. We
assess the current state of our environment against a range
of environmental health measures, as well as how things
have changed over time.
expectations of councils and communities. The role of iwi
and hapū in decision-making is also changing. The Council
Ngā rārangi take
Table of contents
Te pūrongo a te tumuaki me te tumu whakarae
Chairman and Chief Executive’s report 2
Te pūrongo mana whakahaere
Governance report 8
Ngā mahinga tahi me te iwi Māori
Working together with Māori 10
Te kāhui kaimahi
Staff capacity 13
Taranaki rohenga
The Taranaki region 17
Ngā ritenga pūtea
Financial trends 20
Te noninga tūtohu
Statement of compliance and responsibility 21
Te arotake pūtea
Taranaki Regional Council staff
• Land Management Team
• Contractors and consultants
External • Farm owners and managers
• Industry representatives
• Central and Regional government and ministry representatives
• Catchment groups
• Iwi and hapu
Changes to job description | Ngā huringa ki ngā whakaahuatanga mahi
From time to time it may be necessary to consider changes in the job description in response to
the changing nature of our work environment. Such changes,
iwi consultation in June
Alterations to monitoring programmes for 2024/25
In designing and implementing the monitoring programmes for air/water discharges in the region, the
Council has taken into account:
• the extent of information already made available through monitoring or other means to date;
• its relevance under the RMA;
• the Council’s obligations to monitor consented activities and their effects under the RMA;
• the record of administrative and environmental