allocation in
Taranaki prepared to support community discussion and consideration of minimum
flow and allocation limits for Taranaki reivers within the regional Freshwater and Land
Management Plan.
3.2 Mr Phipps provided a presentation Review of Minimum Flows and Water Allocation in
Taranaki (Jowett Consulting Limited) to the Committee in support of the item that will
help inform the Council’s Regional Freshwater and Land Management Plan.
3.3 Mr M Ritai, Iwi Representative, noted that
approval is obtained from all those people who are likely to be
adversely affected in a minor or more than minor way. Council will determine the people who are likely to be adversely
affected and you will have the option of obtaining their written approval so that your application can be non-notified.
Are there any parties that may potentially be affected by this
Name of affected party Iwi Forum (Mangorei Forum)
Contact details N/A
Please outline any consultation
and you will have the option of obtaining their written approval so that your application can be non-notified.
Are there any parties that may potentially be affected by this
Name of affected party Iwi Forum (Mangorei Forum)
Contact details NA
Please outline any consultation you have undertaken with this
party and the outcome.
This forum consists of the following iwi and hapu: Te
Kotahitanga o Te Atiawa Trust; Manukorihi hapū; Nga Mahanga
a Tairi;
beyond the adjacent land, and if written approval is obtained from all those people who are likely to be
adversely affected in a minor or more than minor way. Council will determine the people who are likely to be adversely
affected and you will have the option of obtaining their written approval so that your application can be non-notified.
Are there any parties that may potentially
be affected by this proposal?
Name of affected party Iwi Forum (Mangorei Forum)
Mangorei Hydro-Electric Power Scheme
5.14 Conclusion 68
6. Consultation _________________________________________________________ 69
6.1 Introduction 69
6.2 Consultation with Iwi 69
6.3 Consultation with other Stakeholders 71
7. Statutory Considerations _______________________________________________ 72
7.1 Introduction 72
7.2 Section 104 Assessment 72
8. Notification Assessment _______________________________________________ 89
9. Concluding Statement
4.1.7 Iwi Management Plans Update
47. Te Kotahitanga O Te Atiawa Taranaki’s Iwi Environmental Management
Plan: Tai Whenua Tai Tangata, Tai Ao was in draft form at the time of
public notification of the PDP. This was finalised and lodged with Council
in 2019. The issues, objectives and policies of the plan are within eight
sections; Te Tai Hauora/Guardianship, Te Tai Awhi–Nuku/Inland and
Coastal Whenua, Te Tai o Maru/Freshwater, Te Tai o Tangaroa/Coastal
and Marine Environment, Te Tai
requirements a copy of this application may be sent to iwi for their
The information you provide with your application is official information. It is used to help process your
resource consent application and assess the impact of your activity on the environment and other people.
Your information is held and administered by the Taranaki Regional Council in accordance with the Local
Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 and the Privacy Act 2020. This means that your
environmental and
resource management issues. This has been a productive first step, but the imperative from Government and iwi alike
is for all councils to do more.
For example, the Essential Freshwater reform includes requirements for greater Māori involvement. There are joint
and continuing efforts by the region’s iwi and local bodies to reach participation agreements known as Mana
Whakahono a Rohe, as set out in a 2017 amendment to the Resource Management Act (RMA).
A post-election
Taranaki and Te
Atiawa iwi and 16 marae are
located within the Volcanic Ring
Plain FMU, who have long-standing
and ongoing relationships with wai
across the FMU through
whakapapa. South west of New
Plymouth, Parihaka is a nationally
significant landmark and marae that symbolises the peaceful resistance to the confiscation of Māori land.
Each iwi, hapū and whānau hold tikanga (protocols) and mātauranga (knowledge) relevant to the awa for
which they are kaitiaki
Council chambers, 47 Cloten Road, Stratford, on Tuesday 17 October 2017 at
2. notes that the recommendations therein were adopted by the Taranaki Regional
Council on 31 October 2017.
Matters Arising
There were no matters arising.
3. Update on the review of the Coastal Plan and scheduling iwi sites of
3.1 Mr C L Spurdle, Planning Manager, spoke to the memorandum updating Members on
the review of the Coastal Plan for Taranaki and progress