Your search for 'iwi' returned 1017 results.

web ClimateJustice appeal

We urge the Council to work with Ngāti Maru when developing and implementing the plan. 4. Many hapū and iwi still oppose Crown authority over land and sea. The Foreshore and Seabed Act 2004, which extinguished customary Māori property rights to the coastal areas, and the subsequent Marine and Coastal Area (Takutai Moana) Act 2011, are recent examples of legislation that demonstrate the on-going debate as to who controls the coast and sea. It is our understanding that all


(RMA), including the removal of the financial contributions provisions in five years and the immediate introduction of provisions allowing discussions on Iwi Participation Agreements between iwi authorities and the Council to occur, that address iwi input to resource management. It was noted a review of iwi input to resource management, and the results of a survey of iwi input to resource management at all regional councils, will form part of a review report to the Council.

Regional Coastal Plan for Taranaki 1997

the environment of the region. Iwi means tribe or grouping of people of Maori descent. Iwi authority* means the authority which represents an iwi and which is recognised by that iwi as having authority to do so. Iwi o Taranaki or iwi of Taranaki refers to iwi whose rohe (territory or boundary) fall either wholly or partially within the Taranaki Region. Kaitiakitanga* means the exercise of guardianship; and in relation to a resource, includes the ethic of guardianship

2015 Environmental Awards winners

… plantings are being established to provide wildlife habitat and improve the appearance of the site. Spill prevention and response is a continual focus. Bunded areas have been lined and extended, spill response equipment purchased and training and exercising is ongoing. Community relations are important. For 10 years, Māui staff have been involved with Ngāti Tara Sandy Bay Society and other organisations, schools, iwi and the community to restore the Sandy Bay Reserve.

Policy & Planning minutes March 2019

Committee Meeting Tuesday 19 March 2019 Recommended That the Taranaki Regional Council: 1. receives the memorandum ‘Report of the Tax Working Group and findings on environmental taxes’. Williamson/MacLeod 4. Kaupapa Māori Freshwater Assessments report and Wai Māori working group 4.1 Mr S Tamarapa, Iwi Communications Officer, spoke to the memorandum to present for Members’ information a national Mātauranga Maori stocktake

Full Council meeting agenda June 2020

enforcement for the period 30 April 2020 to 21 May 2020. 3.2 An update was provided on the Ammonia leak from Silver Fern Farms. Further information has been requested and the event is still under investigation. 3.3 Members requested to have comments from Iwi included in reports on major issues, it was noted that if an incident was likely to end up in court, commentary cannot be included as it could jeopardise the hearing. 3.4 It was noted that there was no ecological investigation into …

Council meeting agenda September 2020

N MacLeod, moved a motion that a paper be prepared to go to the Policy and Planning Committee regarding Māori wards where Iwi representatives are present for feedback. Resolved That the Taranaki Regional Council: a) prepares a paper to go to the Policy and Planning Committee regarding Māori representation. McIntyre/MacLeod Ordinary Meeting - Confirmation of Minutes Ordinary Committee 8 page 7. Public Excluded In accordance with section 48(1) of the Local

Form B – Land Use (Use of beds of lakes and rivers)

policies of the relevant regional plan(s), on our website: and relevant documents including but limited to the relevant Iwi Management Plan & National Policy Statement (state where in the AEE the information can be located) AEE Page Number Section Policy assessment included? ☐ Yes 10.2 National Policy Statement for Freshwater Management 2020 (NPS-FM) Clause 3.26(1) of the NPS-FM requires the Regional Plan to include the following objective:

Executive, Audit & Risk agenda December 2021

considerations 18. This memorandum and the associated recommendations are consistent with the policy documents and positions adopted by this Council under various legislative frameworks including, but not restricted to, the Local Government Act 2002, the Resource Management Act 1991 and the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987. Iwi considerations 19. This memorandum and the associated recommendations are consistent with the Council’s policy for the development of Māori