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Policy & Planning agenda July 2019

B K Raine Councillor C S Williamson (via Zoom?) Councillor D L Lean (ex officio) Representative Ms E Bailey (Iwi Representative) Members Mr J Hooker (Iwi Representative) Mr M Ritai (Iwi Representative) Councillor P Nixon (South Taranaki District Council) Councillor R Jordan (New Plymouth District Council) Councillor G Boyde (Stratford District Council) Councillor C Coxhead (South Taranaki District Council) Mr P Muir (Taranaki Federated Farmers) Apologies

Future directions for the management of oil and gas operations in Taranaki

Innovation and Employment (MBIE) is the primary regulator of well integrity, this Council should not duplicate this function.  The potential environmental effects associated with oil and gas operations that fall within the Council’s functions (outlined in the Resource Management Act 1991 (RMA)) primarily relate to impacts on surface water, groundwater, soil and air.  The Council has learnt from its experiences, and has adapted and maintained a watching brief in respect of

Annual report 2014-2015

discharged to land or to a surface waterway via a settling pond (or tank), or are contained in cartridges disposed of at landfills. Resource consents 1.3. Section 14 of the RMA stipulates that no person may take, use, dam or divert any water, unless the activity is expressly allowed for by a resource consent or a rule in a Regional Plan, or it falls within some particular categories set out in Section 14. Section 15(1) (a) of the RMA stipulates that no person may discharge any contaminant


Agenda for Taranaki Regional Transport Committee 17 June 2015

Proposed Regional Pest Management Plan for Taranaki.

planning and delivering pest management objectives could fall under the powers and duties of the LGA, accessing legislation focused on managing pests at the regional level is the most transparent and efficient approach. The Council is mandated under s11(b) of the LGA to perform the funding function, and s11(b) provides for Council to perform duties under Acts other than the LGA. Wild Animal Control Act 2.2.4 1977 and the Wildlife Act 1953 Activities