Your search for '180' returned 636 results.

Report 2010-2014

passage and a residual flow of 80 l/s in the Waiaua River downstream of the fishpass and 180 l/s downstream of the canal sluice gate. Special condition 5 is a provision to review the appropriateness of a gradual increase in residual flow. Special condition 6 requires notification prior to the consent being exercised. Special condition 7 defines when the sluice gate/bywash can be closed. Special condition 8 defines data that must be collected and forwarded to the Council. Special

Report 2013

Greymouth Petroleum Turangi B hydraulic fracturing consent monitoring report - Taranaki Regional Council.

Taranaki climate hazards & extremes - high winds & tornadoes

Taranaki region, with the frequency of severe cases about once in four years. The majority had maximum wind speeds in the 116 – 180 km/h range, with ten percent attaining wind speeds in excess of 180 km/h. Typical weather conditions indicate the presence of low pressure and associated frontal activity over or west of Taranaki with winds from the north and west. These often track from the coast inland. Track or damage widths averaged 100 m (range 15 to 500 m) with a mean track length of 5 km

Biennial report 2012-2014

ANZCO Eltham (Riverlands Eltham) consent monitoring report - Taranaki Regional Council

Submission: Department of Conservation

flow set below the weir is 180 l/s. This represents 13.6 % of the 7-day mean annual low flow (7-day MALF) for the Waiaua River at 1319 l/s1. The current residual flow is very low in comparison to the standard rule-of-thumb for protecting instream values which is setting a residual flow at 80 % of the 7-day MALF. 7. The current residual flow and operating regime reduces the flow variability in the lower river and causes the hydrograph to flatline at a very low flow (relative to

Westside deep well injection monitoring 2019-2020

80 90 100 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 ba rm 3 D2H (m³) D4HST2 (m³) Maximum pressure D2H Maximum pressure D4HST2 page 15 2.4.2 Summary of injection at the Manutahi-B wellsite (consent 10546-1/10575-1) Table 10 provides a summary of the historical activities undertaken at the Manutahi-B wellsite since 2018. The data shows that the volume of fluid discharged via the wellsite decreased significantly in comparison to …

Report 2010-2012

Periphyton (algae) state of the environment monitoring report - Taranaki Regional Council.