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Summer 2016-2017

with previous summers’ surveys 56 MfE guidelines additional sampling 57 Comparison with guidelines 59 Benthic cyanobacteria 59 Kaupokonui River at Beach Domain 60 4.2.9 SEM programme 60 Comparison with guidelines 64 Comparison with previous summers’ surveys 64 MfE guidelines additional sampling 66 Comparison with guidelines 67 Benthic cyanobacteria 68 Lake Opunake 69 4.2.10 Comparison with guidelines

Taranaki Regional Council Operative Coastal Plan for Taranaki 4 September 2023

and 15B may not be undertaken within the coastal marine area unless expressly allowed by a national environmental standard, a rule in a regional plan, or a resource consent. The national environmental standard, plan or resource consent may prescribe the noise standards for those activities (section 16). 2.1.2 National policy statements and environmental standards Section 67 of the RMA specifies that regional plans must give effect to: (a) any national policy statement,

NPDC Inglewood WWTP Annual Report 2022-2023

occur in any WWTP which, together with fluctuations in waste loadings, would result in chlorophyll-a variability. page 9 The results of the main pond effluent analyses are provided in Table 3 together with field observations of pond appearance. Table 3 Chlorophyll-a levels and main pond appearance Date Time (NZST) Appearance Chlorophyll-a (mg/m³) Range for the period 2013-mid 2022 Range Median 5 Oct 2022 1015 Turbid, green brown 67 <1.0-270 17 6 Mar

Housing & Business Development Capacity Assessment 2019

................................................................................................. 64 6 Housing and Business Capacity Interactions ............................................................................... 67 6.1 Residential Activities in Business Zones .............................................................................. 67 6.2 Business Activities in Residential Zones .............................................................................. 67 6.3 Demand for Different Activities

Freshwater ecological monitoring 2016-2017

of previous surveys performed in the Patea River at Swansea Road, together with spring 2016 and summer 2017 results 130 Table 67 Characteristic taxa [abundant (A), very abundant (VA), extremely abundant (XA)] recorded in the Patea River at Swansea Road between 1995 and February 2016 [42 surveys], and by the spring 2016 and summer 2017 surveys 131 Table 68 Results of previous surveys performed in the Patea River at Skinner Road, together with spring 2016 and summer 2017

Summer 2015-2016

previous summers’ surveys 54 Benthic cyanobacteria 55 Kaupokonui River at Beach Domain 56 4.2.9 Comparison with guidelines 60 Comparison with previous summers’ surveys 60 Benthic cyanobacteria 62 Lake Opunake 63 4.2.10 Comparison with guidelines 65 Comparison with previous summers’ surveys 65 Cyanobacteria 66 Timaru Stream at Weld Road (near mouth) 67 4.2.11 Comparison with guidelines 71 Comparison with