Your search for 'rates' returned 2163 results.

Taranaki Biodiversity Forum Accord 2012

the impact of invasive plants and animals. Habitat loss (through land clearance and drainage) has historically been the main pressure on biodiversity. While the rate of land clearance and drainage has declined in recent times, the ongoing loss and modification of remnant habitats remains an issue, particularly on privately owned land in Taranaki. Even small losses of habitat can now have a disproportionate impact on remaining biodiversity – not only in terms of remnant sites

Biennial report 2013-2015

utilisation, to move closer to achieving sustainable development of the region’s resources. 1.1.4 Evaluation of environmental performance Besides discussing the various details of the performance and extent of compliance by the consent holder during the period under review, this report also assigns a rating as to the Company’s environmental and administrative performance. Environmental performance is concerned with actual or likely effects on the receiving environment from the activities

Stratford DC landfills monitoring 2020-2021

closer to achieving sustainable development of the region’s resources. 1.1.4 Evaluation of environmental and administrative performance Besides discussing the various details of the performance and extent of compliance by SDC, this report also assigns them a rating for their environmental and administrative performance during the period under review. Environmental performance is concerned with actual or likely effects on the receiving environment from the activities during the

Pest Pathways into Taranaki

key preventative measure for reducing the rate of spread of pest plants and animals, and stopping new species from arriving in the region. The TRC Biosecurity Strategy includes the following actions to achieve Objective 4.1: 1. Undertake risk assessments and contingency planning for harmful organisms not yet present in the region. 2. Undertake surveillance of high risk pathways to ensure the early detection of harmful organisms in the region. …


collection system) stormwater capacity Based on a site area of 1. 4 ha (Pad 1 & 3), a rainfall intensity of 43 mm/hr (i. e. 7 mm in 10 mins = 42 mm in 1 hour), and the above coefficients, the estimated runoffflow rate from Pad 1 and 3 will be 325. 8m3/hr. This is an extremely conservative estimate and is likely to overestimate the volume to be actually discharged from the composting pad 1 & 3 during this 1 in 5 year 10 minute storm event. Pond level is maintained to ensure that there is enough

Annual report 2016-2017

development of the region’s resources. 1.1.4. Evaluation of environmental and administrative performance Besides discussing the various details of the performance and extent of compliance by the Company, this report also assigns them a rating for their environmental and administrative performance during the period under review. Environmental performance is concerned with actual or likely effects on the receiving environment from the activities during the monitoring year. Administrative

Quarterly Operational Report September 2015

activities as they arise. Consent holders are assessed on environmental performance and on consent compliance. The rates for these consent holders in 2014/2015 was found to be 75% ‘high’ and 22% ‘good’. The farm dairy effluent monitoring programme for the year has commenced with officers undertaking inspections and water quality sampling to assess compliance with consent conditions. The non compliance rate is at a similar level to last year. Monitoring inspections of permitted

Annual report 2013-2014

discusses the results. STDC demonstrated a high level of administrative compliance with its resource consents. No rating is given for environmental effects as no discharges or in-stream works have yet to occur. No incidents were recorded by Council in regards to this site during the period under review. For reference, in the 2013-2014 year, 60% of consent holders in Taranaki monitored through tailored compliance monitoring programmes achieved a high level of environmental performance and

Annual report 2013-2014

various details of the performance and extent of compliance by the consent holder/s during the period under review, this report also assigns a rating as to each Company’s environmental and administrative performance. Environmental performance is concerned with actual or likely effects on the receiving environment from the activities during the monitoring year. Administrative performance is concerned with the Company’s approach to demonstrating consent compliance in site operations and