Your search for 'rates' returned 2163 results.

Irrigation Water Monitoring Annual Report 2020 2021

required to enter three incidents in relation to irrigation consents over this period, which resulted in two infringement notices being issued. The overall rate of non-compliance across all exercised consents was 5%, which was similar to that seen during the 2019-2020 period (4%). During the 2020-2021 year, 84% of exercised irrigation consents in Taranaki achieved a high level of environmental performance and compliance with their consents, 11% achieved a good level of performance, while 5%

Re Otago RC EnvC 04 March 2022

the relief sought by many in the primary sector to allow for the grant of consent for durations exceeding six years is not approved. [6] A limited exception to the policy on duration has been made for existing hydro-electricity generation activities. No exception has been made for community water supplies, other than existing supplies which may increase page 5 historical take and use volume and rate limits in line with their current permits to provide for

Form B – Land Use (Use of beds of lakes and rivers)

applicable The culvert will be open-bottomed or its invert will be placed so that at least 25% of the culvert’s diameter is below the level of the bed. ☐ Yes ☐ No The bed substrate will be present over the full length of the culvert and stable at the flow rate at or below which the water flows for 80% of the time. ☐ Yes ☐ No The culvert provides for continuity of geomorphic processes (such as the movement of sediment and debris). ☐ Yes

TRC Annual Report 2020/2021

contaminants to air and maintaining the high overall standard of air quality • Managing the allocation of the region’s water resources. page 22 Financial Trends Actual 2020/21 Budget 2020/21 Actual 2019/20 Actual 2018/19 Actual 2017/18 Actual 2016/17 Actual 2015/16 Actual 2014/15 Actual 2013/14 Actual 2012/13 Actual 2011/12 General rates $7.95m $7.95m $7.95m $7.95m $7.61m $7.54m $7.46m $7.40m $7.29m $7.18m $7.18m Percent change 0% 0%

Long-Term Plan 2021/2031

… region to present a coherent and united case to the Government for funding for specific projects to assist with the recovery from COVID-19. And we are committing funds to the refurbishment of our Stratford office, which is no longer fit for purpose. We will also be conducting one of our regular formal reviews of our 100% ownership of Port Taranaki Ltd, with more public consultation if changes are proposed as a result. Budgeting for a rates increase is never a decision taken lightly.

Ballance Kapuni consent monitoring 2020-2021

report and monitoring programme 10 Annual meeting regarding the Waingongoro River intake and environmental performance 11 2.1.3 Discharge monitoring 11 Stormwater and raw water treatment discharges 11 2.1.4 Receiving environment monitoring 15 2.2 Land 16 page ii 2.2.1 Inspections 17 2.2.2 Discharge monitoring 18 Effluent volume 18 Nitrogen application rates 18 2.2.3 Soil and herbage monitoring 19

Application Appendix J Recreation Assessment 20 02053 4 0 + 5 other renewals Trustpower 25 Nov 2020

page Trustpower Ltd | Mangorei HEP Scheme Reconsenting Recreation Assessment 14 Waiwhakaiho River (upper reaches – Egmont National Park to Lake Mangamahoe) Water quality: Excellent to good water quality; MCI excellent to very good, average 130. Recreational and fishery values: Access for native fish through most of river. Highly valued angling river. Tributaries provide important native fish habitat. Aesthetic and scenic values: Highly rated for aesthetic and scenic

Lower Waiwhakaiho air discharges 2020-2021

operations and management including the timely provision of information to Council (such as contingency plans and water take data) in accordance with consent conditions. Events that were beyond the control of the consent holder and unforeseeable (that is a defence under the provisions of the RMA can be established) may be excluded with regard to the performance rating applied. For example loss of data due to a flood destroying deployed field equipment. The categories used by the Council for

Council meeting agenda May 2021

Executive, Audit and Risk Committee Minutes 28 5. June 2021 Meeting Dates 32 6. Draft Submission on "Phasing Out Fossil Fuels in Process Heat" Consultation Paper 33 7. Adoption of the 2021/2031 Long-Term Plan 51 8. Setting of Rates 2021/2022 246 9. Representation Review: Timetable and Process 253 10. Public Excluded 256 11. Public Excluded Consents and Regulatory Minutes 257 12. Public Excluded Executive, Audit and Risk Committee Minutes 260 Ordinary Meeting - Agenda 2