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Report 2013-2014

located on Coronation Avenue, New Plymouth. The site is located within the Te Henui catchment, and forms part of the eastern boundary of Pukekura Park. TTR was granted resource consent 7470-1 in August 2009 by the Taranki Regional Council (the Council). The consent authorised the abstraction of up to 170 cubic metres per day (m3/day) of groundwater from an on-site production bore, at a rate not exceeding 10 litres per second. This consent was amended to 7470-1.1 on 10 June 2014, where the

Officer Report Opunake Power Limited 15 March 2022

RFWP Rule 43 caption _Ref53651562 Table 1 : Resource Consents applied for and relevant regional plan rule _Toc98245831 Consent 1795-5.0: Take water from the Waiaua River numbered_Paras This is straightforward intake of water from behind the weir and is described in section 2 above. The expired consent specified a maximum take of 3900 L/s but there is no metering of the take rate so compliance with this condition has never been monitored. We assume that his limit is based on the

Rules 1-29: Industrial-trade discharges (excluding waste management)

except for direct heating, whether on industrial or trade premises or on production land 1 Small-scale combustion of natural gas or liquefied petroleum gas a) The maximum rate of heat release from within the combustion process does not exceed 1 MW per combustion chamber b) Discharge is free of visible smoke Permitted Discharges of contaminants to air from equipment burning natural gas or liquefied petroleum gas as a fuel for any purpose, excluding direct

Report 2009-2013

Raceway, located on Coronation Avenue, New Plymouth. The site is located within the Te Henui catchment, and forms part of the eastern boundary of Pukekura Park. The Taranaki Racing Club was granted resource consent 7470-1 in August 2009. The consent authorises the abstraction of up to 170 cubic metres per day of groundwater from an on-site production bore, at a rate not exceeding 10 litres per second. Groundwater abstracted under consent 7470-1 is primarily used for irrigation purposes. The

Form 250: Renewal of consent for culvert in river bed

_________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ 3.2 Location of activity (Street Address) _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ 3.3 Assessment/Valuation number of property (refer to land title or rates notice)

Pātea hydro scheme monitoring 2019-2020

hydrological monitoring was undertaken by maintaining the McColl’s Bridge flow recorder. The monitoring showed that overall the scheme operated within resource consent requirements for the vast majority of the period being reported. During this period, the Company was fully compliant with lake levels and the rise and recession rate restrictions for the lower Patea River. The Company provided adequate residual flows within the Patea River at all times, with the exception of one incident that was the …

Water measurement code of practice

volumes 28 C3.6 Test flow rates 28 C3.7 Verification methods for open channels 28 C3.8 Verification methods for partially full pipes 29 C3.9 Determination of measurement accuracy compliance 29 C3.10 Site verification 29 C3.11 Verification report 29 C3.12 Non-compliance 30 C4 Open channel water measurement technique 30 C4.1 Measurement techniques 30 C4.2 Stage-discharge method 32 C4.3 Recommended decision process 32 C4.4 Recommended service interval for open

Policy & Planning agenda February 2020

Policy and Planning Committee - National Survey of Pesticides and Emerging Organic Contaminants (EOC's) in Groundwater 2018 12 page 11. EOCs were detected at five of the eight Taranaki wells sampled during the 2018 survey. The rate of EOC detection in Taranaki (63%) was similar to that seen nationally (70%). There was also a high degree of commonality in the substances detected. There are no MAVs for non-pesticide EOCs in New Zealand, so no health relates risk assessment is …

Supplementary Officer Report for Resource Consent

wind direction was from the east to north- east – that is, from the poultry sheds towards the Hibells. Notably, there were no further complaints during this time, even though during this period there were times when shed doors were open, ventilation rates were high, and birds were being removed. page 2987898 Supplementary report AFT farm December 2021- February 2022 43. The Hibells lodged a second complaint with the Council, on 8 February at 5.39 pm. Again the complaint

OMV NZ Ltd Pohukura Production Station Annual Report 2021-2022

achieving sustainable development of the region’s resources. 1.1.4 Evaluation of environmental performance Besides discussing the various details of the performance and extent of compliance by the consent holders, this report also assigns a rating as to each Company’s environmental and administrative performance during the period under review. The rating categories are high, good, improvement required and poor for both environmental and administrative performance. The interpretations for these