Your search for 'rates' returned 2231 results.

Annual report 2012-2013

the maintenance of a minimum dilution rate of 1 part effluent to 250 parts receiving water at all times. Special condition 4 defines a minimum flow in the Waiongana Stream above which the discharge may occur. Special conditions 5 and 6 define the mixing zone and prohibit a number of effects. Special condition 7 requires the consent holder to operate and maintain the treatment and discharge system to ensure compliance. Special condition 8 requires the consent holder to monitor and

Annual report 2014-2015

is considered that Trustpower was able to demonstrate a good level of environmental performance and compliance with the resource consents, and compliance with the administrative requirements of the consents was high. The reason that the scheme did not achieve a high rating relates to the effects of the flooding that were observed in June 2015. However, it is acknowledged that there was little that Trustpower could have done different at the time to avoid or minimise this flooding and the

Rules 21-45: Discharges of contaminants to land and water (excluding Stony)

with manufacturer's instructions and any relevant regulations;  Discharge shall be for the purpose of eradicating, modifying or controlling unwanted aquatic plants, and shall not exceed the quantity, concentration or rate necessary;  The discharge shall not give rise to any or all of the following effects in the receiving water after reasonable mixing: (a) the production of any conspicuous oil or grease films, scums or foams, or floatable or suspended materials; (b) any

Amenity values

with these services. Within the district, 87% were very/fairly satisfied with the quality of entertainment, cultural and sporting events and 93% were very/fairly satisfied with the quality of venues for entertainment, cultural and sporting events. Maintenance and presentation of urban landscapes and streets, particularly flowerbeds and displays, rated well, with 95% of people very/fairly satisfied. A total of 83% of respondents were also very/fairly satisfied with the ability to

Annual report 2013-2014

environmental and administrative performance Besides discussing the various details of the performance and extent of compliance by the consent holder/s during the period under review, this report also assigns a rating as to each Company’s environmental and administrative performance. Environmental performance is concerned with actual or likely effects on the receiving environment from the activities during the monitoring year. Administrative performance is concerned with the Company’s approach

Biennial report 2012-2014

discharge emissions into the air at the plant site. During the monitoring period, Riverlands demonstrated an overall high level of environmental performance. Monitoring is carried out by both Riverlands and the Council. Riverlands monitors water abstraction rate, effluent flow rate and composition, receiving water quality, odour at the plant boundaries, and effluent loadings, soil, and herbage for irrigation areas. The Council undertakes inspections of the plant site and irrigation areas;

Urban Development Indicators quarterly report No 4 - March 2020

 The New Plymouth district is expected to experience high population growth.  Housing: In general, all housing indicators show upward trends. The cost of building or buying a first home in New Plymouth has increased, with housing affordability also on the rise in the short term.  Rent has continued to increase but the rate of change remains steady, alongside rental affordability.  Subdivisions: The increase in sub-dividable consents and residential consent applications has …

Stratford wastewater treatment plant monitoring report 2018-2019

compliance by the Company, this report also assigns them a rating for their environmental and administrative performance during the period under review. Environmental performance is concerned with actual or likely effects on the receiving environment from the activities during the monitoring year. Administrative performance is concerned with the Company’s approach to demonstrating consent compliance in site operations and management including the timely provision of information to Council (such

Annual report 2016-2017

continuous measurement of flow rate and temperature. Silver Fern Farms Ltd (meat processing plant) demonstrated an overall high level of environmental performance. The Company holds six resource consents, to allow it to maintain a dam in and to take from the Tawhiti Stream; to discharge to the stream and to land; and to discharge emissions into the air. During the period under review, there were no incidents reported in relation to activities at the site. Abstraction volumes complied

Regional Transport agenda September 2020

Stratford District Council SH State Highway SHIP State Highway Investment Proposal SIG Special Interest Group SNP Safe Network Programme SPR Special Purpose Road STDC South Taranaki District Council STE Stock Truck Effluent TAIP Transport Agency Investment Proposal TEFAR Targeted Enhanced Financial Assistance Rate TIO Transport Investment Online TP Transport Programme TRC Taranaki Regional Council TSIG Transport Special Interest Group VDAM Vehicle