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Track-changes version of Proposed Coastal Plan for hearing

(e.g. farming, earthworks, urban centres, industrial sites) entering waterways, particularly during or following heavy rainfall events. Accidental discharges of largely untreated wastewater can have temporary adverse effects on coastal water quality. Wastewater discharges from large population bases can occasionally render shellfish in the area unsuitable for consumption. Water quality can also be impacted on a short-term or on an ongoing basis by discharges to coastal waters or other

Annual report 2014-2015

for 7.5 hours. The volume of wastewater discharged from the site complied with conditions of consent 1450. Monitoring of the wastewater by the consent holder showed that water quality of the discharges was compliant with consent conditions for COD and fat concentration. There were four exceedances of suspended solids consent limits all associated with extreme page rainfall events. Inter-laboratory comparisons showed an acceptable level of agreement between results