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2RemediationAEE revised

.................................................................................................................................................. 8 2.3 CLIMATE .................................................................................................................................................... 8 Table 2: Kaka Road Rainfall Events 2011-17 ............................................................................................. 10 Table 3: High Intensity rainfall data (NIWA) for site ................................................................................ 10 2.4 HYDROLOGY / HYDROGEOLOGY

Annual report 2012-2013

wet weather from mid July to early August 2008 resulted in further intermittent overflows of very dilute, treated wastewater to the stream until mid August 2008. Similar intermittent overflows were recorded after very wet weather late in the 2009-2010 period, over a four week period in September 2010 and again, more briefly late in the 2010-2011 period. Seven intermittent overflows, each of one to four days duration, occurred following heavy rainfall events in the 2011-2012 period. One

Appendix Z - Uruti composting facility nitrogen balance

nitrogen concentration in the pond and the rainfall 30 days prior to the sampling event. This was based on 7 ammoniacal nitrogen concentrations measured between October 2017 and April 2019. The relationship has an R2 value of 74%. Using this relationship, the monthly rainfall from 2018 was used to calculate monthly nitrogen concentrations in the pond. The concentration was converted to a loading rate in kg/ha/month based on the volume irrigated (calculated from 2018 irrigation hours and an

A Pastoral Farm Operators Guide to writing a Freshwater Farm Plan Te Uru Kahika

your descriptions of inherent vulnerabilities for each land unit includes:  the biophysical feature or features relating to the inherent vulnerability (this may be included in the land unit description), e.g., landform, climate.  the specific nature of the feature or features that may give rise to vulnerabilities to freshwater (this may also be included in the land unit description) e.g., siltstone hill-country in a high- rainfall area that is prone to shallow slipping.  the

TRC Interim Technical Memorandum Nutrients NOF Baseline State September 2023

currently monitored by TRC on a regular long-term basis. In addition, the Northern Hill Country FMU is under-represented in the monitoring network with only one monitoring site. At a catchment level, the monitoring sites generally over-represent catchments with:  mean annual temperature <12°C;  mean annual effective precipitation >1500mm;  50% of the cumulative rainfall volume fell between 400m and 1000m;  volcanic acidic dominant geology, and pastoral land cover.

Supporting Documentation TRC 2024/2034 Long-Term Plan

change As the impacts of climate change intensify, we are considering how we can best support climate action in Taranaki. What are the issues? Climate change will have wide-ranging impacts on Taranaki. Temperature is expected to increase by between 0.5°C and 1.5°C by 2040, while rainfall will become more variable, increasing both the risk of drought on one hand, and the risk of floods on the other. Sea-level rise will increasingly threaten coastal


REMEDIATION NZ LTD Page 7 Document No: RU-P-650-0500-A Revision No: V1.3 Date: 1 0-9-2018 Controller: C Kay page Leachate & Stormwater Management Plan f) Any conspicuous change in the colour visual clarity; g) Any emissions of objectionable odour; h) The rendering of fresh water unsuitable for consumption by farm animals; and i) Any significant adverse effects on aquatic life. 3.4.3 Climate NIWA virtual Climate Station -38.975, 174.525 Thirty years of rainfall and

Appendix H - Uruti composting facility management plan

groundwater beneath the Uruti Composting Facility Site are moderately impacted with Chloride contamination  Site layout, hydrogeological interactions, soil types and rainfall also influence the level of Chlorides observed in the soil, groundwater resources and the Haehanga Stream environment  Offsite impacts have not been quantified and where not part of the scope of this report The Uruti Composting Facility Management Plan was developed to improve the performance of the composting