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Application attachment appendix G Sediment Assessment Manawa Energy 14 Feb 2023

contributing waterways drain off the high, steep, unstable slopes of Mount Taranaki and are capable of transporting large amounts of coarse sediment as bed load, as well as fine sediment (TRC, 2011). Additionally, the orographic influence of Mount Taranaki results in high local rainfall and attracts high intensity rainfall events in the headwaters of rivers originating on the Maunga. This means sediment transport rates, and the frequency of sediment transport events, are likely to be relatively high in the

TRC Technical Memorandum Nutrients rivers 11 August 2023

effective precipitation >1500mm;  50% of the cumulative rainfall volume fell between 400m and 1000m;  volcanic acidic dominant geology, and pastoral land cover. and under-represent catchments with:  mean annual temperature ≥12°C;  mean annual effective precipitation <500mm and ≥1500mm;  50% of the cumulative rainfall volume fell above 1000m;  alluvium and soft-sedimentary dominant geology, urban, scrub, exotic and indigenous forest land cover. At a local

Remediation New Zealand Ltd Uruti Composting Facility Annual Report 2021-2022

is owned by the Company, and consists of steep eroded hillsides, multiple side gullies, and small river flats distributed along its length. The area receives more rainfall than the northern Taranaki coastline to the south-west. Soils are generally poor and highly erodible. Patches of bush and planted trees cover most of the hillsides, with grasses over the remainder and the flats. 1.3 Process description The Company’s operations include composting, quarrying and vermiculture operations

Freshwater recreational bathing summer 2018-2019

at the same four sites (Waingongoro River at Ohawe, Kaupokonui River at the mouth, and Waiwhakaiho River at the last riffle and at Merrilands Domain) on a total of 13 surveys. Levels of cyanobacteria were higher than in the previous two seasons, but lower than the preceding two seasons, probably a reflection of the relative amounts of rainfall causing freshes that scour streambeds of periphyton. Timely reporting of the results of bacteriological water quality and

Appendix AA - irrigation block nitrogen analysis

potassium, sulphur, calcium, magnesium and sodium. This report focuses on the nitrogen loading and losses from the site. Nitrogen enters the Irrigation Area through the irrigated liquid, rainfall and clover fixation. Nitrogen leaves the Irrigation Area by being leached below the root zone, by volatilisation and denitrification to the atmosphere and in the harvested pasture in the form of baleage. Nitrogen moves between the organic and inorganic pools within the soil. Generally, nitrogen in

13Furtherinformation AppendixI

............................................................................................................................. 10 APPENDIX A MONITORING WELLS- REMEDIATION NEW ZEALAND- URUTI .......... 11 APPENDIX B MONITORING BORE INSTALLATION .................................................... 13 APPENDIX C SOIL MOISTURE AND RAINFALL RECHARGE ON CHLORIDE CONCENTRATIONS IN GROUNDWATER ............................................. 15 APPENDIX D PRELIMINARY UNCONFIRMED CONCEPTUAL SITE MODEL ............... 1 page Commercial in confidence TABLES Table 2.1:Haehanga Catchment

Hāwera oxidation ponds monitoring 2019-2020

investigations, and interventions summary table 20 Table 10 Summary of performance for consent 5079-2 23 Table 11 Summary of performance for consent 7520-1 24 Table 12 Evaluation of environmental performance over time 25 List of figures Figure 1 Configuration of the HWWTP (adapted from NIWA, 2012) 4 Figure 2 Daily hours where DO is greater than 0 g/m3 in Pond 1 and 2 8 Figure 3 Daily discharge volumes (m3/day) from the HWWTP and daily rainfall data (mm) from a Council rainfall

NPDC Inglewood WWTP Annual Report 2021-2022

pipeline renewals • $891 spent on CCTV. The expenditure for pipeline renewals was entirely on project management, investigation and design. No construction occurred. A wastewater network modelling project is underway which uses rainfall and flow data to create a calibrated digital model of the entire Inglewood wastewater network. The calibrated model will be used to assess network performance under different storm events of varying duration and return interval, along with projected

Ōpunake Flood Control Scheme Asset Management Plan

occur in heavy rainfall events. These flood flows spill overland but generally rejoin the main channels before they enter the urban area. These overland flows will generally be caught by the diversion channels which cut across the lay of land. 1.9 Climate Because of its exposure to disturbed weather systems from the Tasman Sea, the Taranaki region is often quite windy, but has few climate extremes. The most settled weather occurs during summer and early autumn. The mountain and