Your search for 'rainfall' returned 1239 results.

Estimation of water quality contaminant loads and the likely effect of fencing in Taranaki

Low-elevation Lake GM M H L Lk GM: M and % permanent ice > 1.5% M: > 50% annual rainfall volume above 1000m ASL H: 50% rainfall volume between 400 and 1000m ASL L: 50% rainfall below 400 m ASL Lk: Lake influence index2 > 0.033 Level 3 Geology Alluvium Hard sedimentary Soft sedimentary Volcanic acidic Volcanic basic Plutonics Miscellaneous Al HS SS VA VB P M Category = the spatially dominant geology

Taranaki Galvanisers Ltd Annual Report 2022-2023

advised that these should be collected before the next rainfall event to prevent them entering waterways. There was a low-flow discharge from the southern stormwater pond but not enough to collect a sample from. Water in the stormwater drains was flowing. Water samples were collected from the remaining monitoring locations. There was no foam or odour at any stream location. 2.1.2 Water quality sampling Results of the two sampling surveys carried out in the 2022-20223 monitoring year are

Todd Generation Junction Road Power Station Annual Report 2021-2022

de-silted on an as required basis. The second larger pond is unlined. The size of the pond provides storage for a 10% annual exceedance rainfall event (AEP) event. The maximum discharge rate from the pond during large rainfall events is 1,060 L/s as this is dictated by the size of the outfall pipe (750 mm). However, there is also provision for the pond to overflow via a spillway structure to a discharge swale (i.e. bypassing the 750 mm discharge pipe). A the time of the application it was

Report on land disposal options

With a loading rate of 4mm/day for the disposal field. • 30% buffer area for the disposal field to allow for separation from water ways and any land unsuitable for disposal which may be present in the land parcel. • Disposal only when the day’s rainfall is <10mm. • The approximate 4 year period for which data is supplied is representative of all foreseeable flow scenarios. • The scheme should give consideration to the maximum flows, successive days of maximum flows and be

Inglewood WWTP monitoring report 2018-2019

following the removal of the continuous discharge to the stream. page 7 2 Results 2.1 Inspections 18 September 2018 An inspection was conducted in cloudy weather with light northerly wind conditions. The rainfall recorded at the Inglewood WWTP council weather station in the month prior was 147 mm. NPDC contractors were onsite carrying out maintenance around the primary screen influent area. Mild odours were noted in the vicinity of the step screen. The primary

Appendix I - groundwater, soil & stream monitoring plan

......................................................................................... 10 5.2 Surface water Sampling Plan ........................................................................................... 11 5.3 Monitoring Review and Actions ........................................................................................ 13 6.0 .......................................................................................................................................... 13 7.0 Uruti Site Rainfall

Ballance Agri Nutrients Kapuni Ltd Annual Report 2022-2023

irrigation areas were found to be working well, however during the September inspection it was noted that care needed to be taken when irrigating after rainfall as this increases the likelihood of ponding. 2.1.2 Results of abstraction and discharge monitoring Waingongoro River abstraction Process and operation water for the site is pumped from the Waingongoro River, which is located 7.2 km east from the Company site (Figure 1). Water is pumped at a rate of approximately 140 m3/h

Annual report 2012-2013

wastewater. These inspections provided for the operation, internal monitoring, and supervision of the plant to be reviewed by the Council. An additional inspection was required in relation to a heavy rainfall event and follow-up after remedial works and another inspection in relation to issues with the Esk Road trade wastes facility. 1.4.4 Wastewater and receiving water quality sampling The Taranaki Regional Council undertook sampling of wastewater quality and receiving river water

Summer 2016-2017

holiday periods. The season under review was the first in which the increased frequency has been provided by the Council. During the 2016-2017 summer season, median faecal indicator bacteria counts for the majority of sites were elevated compared to previous years. The higher counts were likely influenced by unusually heavy rainfall throughout the summer. Out of the 244 samples collected for both SEM and for additional monitoring purposes, 91% were below the Alert level. Of the samples