Your search for 'rainfall' returned 1239 results.

Officers' report to Hearing Committee - Remediation NZ Ltd

the site, therefore the concentration of contaminants will likely be higher after smaller rainfall events as a result of lower dilution. As the windrows act like sponges, slowly releasing moisture as well as absorbing it, there may also be some drainage (leachate) from the site after rainfall events have stopped. page 18 75. A washdown pad is also used to clean trucks after they have offloaded organic waste. Water used for washing is pumped from the washdown supply

Consents and Regulatory Committee Agenda August 2022

maintenance of structure • R2/2708-3.1 Clark Peters Farms Limited – dairy effluent discharge. 2.3 Mr B Pope, Compliance Manager, in response to the question regarding Clark Peters Farms Limited, advised that every dairy effluent discharge application is assessed on a case by case basis and there are a number of environmental factors that are looked at including land area, land size, and rainfall in the area. 2.4 Mr K Holswich, Iwi Representative, noted that the reporting provided by

Annual report 2014-2015

Remediation NZ Ltd consent monitoring report - Taranaki Regional Council.

15Furtherinformation AppendixK

........ ......... ....... .11 5.3 Monitoring Review and Actions .... .... .... .............. ......................... ..... ................... ....... ..13 6.0 ......................................................................................................................................13 7.0 Uruti Site Rainfall .................................................................................................. 13 8.0 Haehanga Stream Flow.............. ...

Lower Waitara River Flood Control Scheme Asset Management Plan 2017

hours average about 2000 hours. Northwesterly airflows prevail and sea breezes occasionally occur along the coast during summer. The mountain and ranges have a strong influence on rainfall in the area by attracting orographic type events which are often associated with frontal systems and depressions moving through the Tasman Sea. Annual rainfall on the upper slopes of the northern Egmont National Park ranges from 1500 to 5000mm. Although the annual totals are quite high, the way in which

Lower Waitara River Flood Control Scheme Asset Management Plan

hours average about 2000 hours. Northwesterly airflows prevail and sea breezes occasionally occur along the coast during summer. The mountain and ranges have a strong influence on rainfall in the area by attracting orographic type events which are often associated with frontal systems and depressions moving through the Tasman Sea. Annual rainfall on the upper slopes of the northern Egmont National Park ranges from 1500 to 5000mm. Although the annual totals are quite high, the way in which

Inglewood waste water plant monitoring 2019-2020

system, and to also document recovery of biological communities following the removal of the continuous discharge to the stream. page 7 2 Results 2.1 Inspections 17 July 2019 An inspection was undertaken after self-notification was received regarding a wastewater discharge occurring from the second pond into the Kurapete Stream due to high rainfall. Heavy rainfall had occurred the night before and the level of the second pond was 3.6 m. Numerous wildlife were …