Your search for 'rainfall' returned 1239 results.

Symes Landfarm consent monitoring 2018-2019

sand at the pit bases (approximately 4-5 m below surface). Average annual rainfall for the site is 1,023 mm (taken from the nearby ‘Duffy’ monitoring station). As with the other South Taranaki coastal sites, this site is subject to strong winds. Site data Location Word descriptor: Manawapou Road, Manutahi, Taranaki Map reference: E 1717244 (NZTM) N 5608736 Mean annual rainfall: 1,023 mm Mean annual soil temperature: ~15.1°C Mean annual soil

NP wastewater treatment plant monitoring 2018-2019

nine incidents which resulted in discharges from the wider wastewater network to waterways. Five of these incidents were related to pipe blockages or breakages, two were related to mechanical or technical failures and two were related to power outages. No unauthorised discharges were caused by high rainfall events during the year under review. The number of incidents has continued to decrease from recent years (40 incidents in the 2014-2015 year, 24 in 2015-2016, 20 in 2016-2017 and 16 in

Report 2012-2013

Volcanics Formation aquifers is primarily from rainfall infiltration. The Matemateaonga Formation comprises alternating Tertiary sandstone, conglomeratic shell and mudstone beds. The formation extends across almost the entire region, except north of Urenui (Taylor & Evans, 1999). In a hydrocarbon exploration bore near Stratford the formation was encountered from 170 to 1,086 m below ground level. It is exposed throughout large areas of the eastern hill country in central and south Taranaki.

Silver Fern Farms Waitotara Annual Report 2021-2022

allowing irrigation to occur. Irrigation was occurring on Longview Farm. At the time of the inspection the irrigator was 2 hours into its run. There was deep ponding of effluent noted in a low point in the page 12 paddock, and it was noted that recent rainfall may have contributed to this. The matter was raised with a Silver Fern Farms staff member, who was also surprised to see ponding in the sandy bottomed paddock. This was discussed and it was noted that best practice

Pohokura production station consent monitoring report 2017-2018 - amended

tidy and there was no evidence of any spillage or contamination of stormwater systems in the area. The Otaraoa Road wellsite was inspected following recent very heavy rainfall. The stormwater system had coped well with the deluge. However, onsite crew informed the inspecting officer that torrential rainfall had not all been diverted through the onsite stormwater system as required, with excess water flowing out of the site via the gateway on the southern side and into the Waipapa stream.

Annual report 2015-2016

Ballance Agri-Nutrients (Kapuni) consent monitoring report - Taranaki Regional Council.

Report 2012-2014

Periphyton (algae) state of the environment monitoring report - Taranaki Regional Council.

Report 2013-2014

Todd Energy Mangahewa-D wellsite consent monitoring report - Taranaki Regional Council.