Your search for 'rainfall' returned 1250 results.

AR2017 web

Tongaporutu, Waitara and Patea rivers, and the confines of Port Taranaki. The Taranaki region has a temperate climate with generally abundant rainfall. The incised nature of ring plain streams means that flooding is not a major problem. However, occasional intense rainfall events can lead to rapid rises in river levels and flooding in hill country valleys and elsewhere. THE PEOPLE Figures from the 2013 census show the total population of Taranaki stands at

Annual Report 2015/2016 - full document

rainfall events can lead to rapid rises in river levels and flooding in hill country valleys and elsewhere. THE PEOPLE Figures from the 2013 census show the total population of Taranaki stands at 109,608, an increase of 5.3% over the 2006 census figure. In the previous census period (2001-2006) the population of the region increased by 1.2%. Taranaki’s population accounts for 2.6% of New Zealand’s total population. Population changes have also varied

Annual report 2015-2016

sulphide (H2S) was detected but the source could not be located. No odours were detected at the downwind boundary of the site. The cap on the closed areas of the landfill (stages 1 & 2) was in good condition and no issues were noted. The following action was to be undertaken:  Continue with litter collection 8 September 2015 This site inspection was carried out in dry weather with light, variable wind conditions. There had been only 2.5 mm of rainfall within the previous two days.

Annual report 2012-2013

Taranaki By-Products Ltd consent monitoring report - Taranaki Regional Council.

Waihapa PS consent monitoring 2018-2019

Stream. Overflow due to rainfall entering this pond is discharged to land and to the Ngaere Stream to the north of the pond. Stormwater from the process areas is directed to a large separator system to the north east of the site. The effluent from this separator is discharged to a small unnamed tributary to the east which joins the Ngaere Stream approximately 40 metres above its confluence with the Patea River. 1 The Council has used

Wellington landfarm consent monitoring 2017-2018

consents (7670- 1, 7884-1) being exercised, there were areas of pine which have been subsequently removed and processed. Average annual rainfall for the site is 1,383 mm (taken from nearby Motunui monitoring station). There are no significant surface water bodies located in the immediate vicinity of the areas that are landfarmed, other than small farm drains. Previous land use at the Wellington section of the landfarm has been a mixture of agriculture and small scale forestry. Further inland