Controlling and monitoring discharges of contaminants to air are part of the Council's core duties under the Resource Management Act. Interim Review of the Regional Air Quality Plan for Taranaki This review, published in April 2018, concludes that the Regional Air Quality Plan for Taranaki is performing its functions well and is assisting the Council in carrying out its resource management responsibilities. No issues have so far been identified that would warrant an urgent full review. Overall,
You meet the other requirements listed above.
You are not doing the work between 1 May and 31 October.
You must meet all of these requirements. Otherwise, you will need a resource consent. Please refer to the relevant Waikato Regional Council guidelines, which also apply in Taranaki. Please also see updates: Decanting earth bund Sediment retention pond Silt fence You should also check whether your District Council has any requirements. Realigning, diverting or piping a streamThese guidelines are
A beautiful butterfly has arrived in Taranaki but don’t be fooled by its good looks - it has a very important job to do. Three days before Christmas Taranaki Regional Council environment officers released about 100 Honshu white admiral (Limenitis glorifica) pupae at Oākura and another 100 at Kakaramea. Most had successfully hatched when the officers returned a week later. The butterfly was first imported from Japan in 2010 by Manaaki Whenua – Landcare Research as a biocontrol agent. It attacks
stockpiled material.
The application is inconsistent with Te Mana o Te Wai.
In terms of the effects management hierarchy, there are residual effects that are more than minor, and no offsetting or compensation has been provided by the Applicant.
The application is inconsistent with a number of sections of the Resource Management Act.
The application is inconsistent with the relevant policies of the Regional Fresh Water Plan for Taranaki.
The application is inconsistent with a policy in the Regional Air
0.6°C cooler than long-term November averages. Mean river flows for November were 26.6% lower than typical values while mean river (non-mountain) water temperatures were 14.7°C, an average of 0.2°C cooler than a typical November. Average wind speeds were 17.7km/hr, with average gust strength of 47.4km/hr. The maximum wind gust recorded in November was 93.2km/hr at Waitotara at Ngutuwera - the windiest spot in the region for the third month in a row. November 2023 Environmental Data Report November the next
working day.
Copies of the Taranaki Regional Council officer report will be available in the same location
on the Council’s website by 24 January 2022.
Hearing Procedure
While the procedure for the hearing is ultimately determined by the chairperson, the
Resource Management Act provides that:
a) unnecessary formality is to be avoided;
b) only members of the hearing panel may question any party or witness
c) cross-examination
Phase one of the long-term project focuses on New Plymouth where residents are invited to a series of free urban trapper workshops. The first will be held at 1.30pm on Sunday 17 June at New Plymouth District Council Chambers where residents can get advice and/or pick up a subsidised $10 rat trap and box, which is pet and child-safe. Urban trappers will also get access to a free trapping app, helping monitor the number of predators caught and collating the project’s work. Led by Taranaki Regional
Special bus services on Saturday (1 December) will allow families to get to New Plymouth’s Christmas parade minus traffic and parking hassles. Citylink buses will operate on 10 routes, with gold-coin fares accepted. Go to for timetable details and route maps. “The services cover all New Plymouth suburbs, plus Bell Block, Waitara, Oākura and Omata,” says Chris Clarke, Transport Services Manager for the Taranaki Regional Council which provides Citylink services through its
Free bus services on Saturday (28 November) will allow families to get to New Plymouth’s Christmas parade minus traffic and parking hassles. The free Citylink buses will operate on 10 routes. Go to for timetable details and route maps. “The services cover all New Plymouth suburbs, plus Bell Block, Waitara, Oākura and Omata,” says Chris Clarke, Transport Services Manager for the Taranaki Regional Council which provides Citylink services through its contractor Tranzit